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Facebook's "Photo Memories" feature is crap

One of my recent Facebook statuses is this: "I officially declare my HATRED towards Facebook's "Photo Memories" feature that appears on the top right navigation bar when you're viewing your own or others' Facebook albums."

Note: The said feature is highlighted in a red box in the screen capture above.

Why? The reason is so darn simple. I hate to see photos that bring back bad memories being displayed randomly anytime they like. I don't see the need to display photos from ages ago just to get people ticked off!

One friend commented that this isn't her favorite feature either and she wonders if there's a "Hide" button available, to which I reply:

"Even if there's a 'Hide' button, it doesn't hide the fact that the feature is still active on others' Facebook pages. I came up with a few not-so-courteous solutions:

1. Un-tag yourself from photos that you don't like to be tagged.

2. Ask the fella who's tagged in photos that you hate to see in whosoever's album to un-tag himself and/or herself.

3. Ask the whosoever who posted photos of whosoever you hate to delete those photos from those albums.

Note: Problem is... I haven't implemented the above solutions yet. To be more accurate, I don't have the guts to do so... yet. :("

Hmmpphh! Facebook has nothing better to do, is it?


  1. i think this feature is a daily slap in the face. so i started this group yesterday: it seems to be an international scourge.

  2. Hi Hussla,

    Thanks for this info! Really appreciate it. :)

