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Redefining motherhood in the first quarter of 2017

So, the first quarter of 2017 ends. That's four months gone from 2017. Hmm, what have I done in the past four months?

In 2013, I became a mother. The transition from having no kid to one kid was challenging, I kid you not. But to be honest, the transition from having one kid to two kids was (actually, still is) a nightmare. Amidst challenges during the past four months, I found peace with three major activities as seen in the photo above. Can you guess?

Here they are:
Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Cloth Diapering

That pretty little bottle is Buds Cherished Organics Breast Massage Oil that helps breastfeeding mothers stay calm and relaxed and promotes lactation, making breastfeeding easier. A few days ago I had a blocked duct but it was cleared within a day after I massaged the blocked area with this oil plus baby's marathon nursing sessions.

 I'm also into babywearing; that's Daiesu Kelarai Ringsling. And I'm into cloth diapering. Oh there's so much to tell but I guess I will just let the photos speak for themselves.

Check out my second Instagram account which focuses on babywearing and cloth diapering - @myfluffjournal

Okay, that's all for now.

By the way, my blog is not dead. I'm still finding time to update it more frequently. Lol. But you can follow my FB page for more bite-sized updates daily.