Ironically, most of the time, things that you yearn for never arrive...

Lately, I'm preoccupied by an issue: How to FORGET? About what?
About anything that makes me sad & melancholic.
About impossibilities. About uncertainties. About nothingness.
Meaningless chants...

I'm lost in the midst of feeling lost. I'm kinda surprisingly surprised by how hard it is to...
Anyway, I found that to forget sometimes requires one to face that particular issue squarely.
The quotes below, listed chronologically, were received as SMSes on February 01, 2007. Somehow, I still could not forget what happened on that day. Am I still HOLDING ON? Will I ever start LETTING GO?

The white orchids that bloomed so well on February 01, 2007 at my house's front porch in my hometown. I have never seen them flourishing in such a way, two stalks graciously laden with fully bloomed white orchids...
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassions and God of all comfort, Who comforts us in all our affliction." ~ Thanks, bro KW
"What we perceive as bad the Lord may see as needed. Children may see vege as bad but father knows better. Ur Father knows exactly what you need." ~ Thanks, bro SF
"The Lord is sovereign & His ways are higher than ours." ~ Thanks, sis KP
"Doubt sees the obstacles, faith sees the way; Doubt sees the night, faith sees the day; Doubt dread to take the step, faith soars on high; Doubt whispers, who believes? Faith says, I. May God supplies you with the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ through the petition of the saints. Jesus loves you!" ~ Thanks, sis ET
"We are really sad and sorry about the news. Our hearts are with you and your whole family. Grace, support and comfort from Him and the Body be with you and your family. Do take care." ~ Thanks, bro JW
"My deepest condolences to you and your family. May the Lord strengthen and support at your time of grief." ~ Thanks, sis KC
"May the Lord's abundant grace be with you and your family. Abide in the vine to enjoy all His riches." ~ Thanks, sis SL
"Dear sis, please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. May our Lord strengthen you into your inner man, comfort and shepherd your soul and give you His peace." ~ Thanks, sis JY
"May the Lord stengthen you into your inner man. In whatever circumstances He is in us, with us. May you have Him as your real rest. Nothing is too big that He can't cover." ~ Thanks, sis SN
"Sis Joyce, how are you? Hope you are still well... I enjoy a hymn that bro Steven gave us, 'God will make a way where there seems there is no way' during my exam... God really was with me during my PMR so I'd like to share with you too... Hope you are well... We are in one Body, right? Sis Joyce, don't worry... We all will pray for you. Good night!" ~ Thanks, bro JH
“在我们的灵里,基督是内住的梯子,把我们联与天,并把天带给我们,将属天的生命、恩典、权柄和能力,供应给我们,以维持我们在地上过属天的生活。” ~ Thanks, sis SW
"Our Christ is the One who fills all & in all. May He fills today." ~ Thanks, sis SC
“圣灵在我们里面叹息,为我们代求,父神就答应这代求,使万有都互相效力,叫我们得益处。父神是主宰一切的,祂安排每件事,祂知道我们的需要。主与你同在。” ~ Thanks, sis RS
"Christ is our unique Comforter!" ~ Thanks, sis FN
“愿主在恩典中将永远的安慰和美好的盼望赐给妳,安慰妳的心,并在一切善言上,坚固妳。” ~ Thanks, sis SD
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