Project 365 - Photo #57
Photo #1: A cat, obviously. Love its blue and yellow eyes.
Photo #2: Nasi Goreng Belacan. Big portion served with side dishes. Unexpected.
Posted via email from joycescapade :: posterous
Project 365 - Photo #55
Wednesday, February 24, 2010This little, handy radio, affectionately named "Greenie" is tuning in to MixFM (94.5), my fav radio station in Malaysia.
Check out:
LEXON design - LA 42 TYKHO RADIO green
design by Marc Berthier
AM/FM radio - Can be used with wet hands - Frequency search by rotating antenna - Electronic volume
Thanks darling for this thoughtful Valentine's gift. :)
Movie: The Book of Eli (2010)

"The Book of Eli" is set in the post-apocalyptic era, approximately 30 years after the occurence of a possible nuclear war. Eli (Denzel Washington) is traveling on foot and alone to the West (of America). He avoids trouble all the way during his journey till he reaches a rundown town ran by Carnegie (Gary Oldman) and his cronies. Well, Carnegie's the bad guy here because he insists on seizing The Book from Eli's possession by hook or by crook.
I won't provide spoilers here. I better not. However, do expect heavy doses of blood, violence, and religion. I was so stunned when I realized that The Book actually refers to the Bible. Certain conversation liners are verses quoted directly from the Bible. E.g. Walk by faith, not by sight. This is a famous verse from 2 Corinthians.
Overall, the storyline is brilliant despite the entire movie's horrible, sorry, and sombre setting. Well, it's post-apocalyptic, you can't expect much, can you? Haha.
Moral of the story? I guess it's as simple as God exists. No matter how terrible mankind has fallen, they will, in one way or another, turn back to God, even if it involves committing cardinal sin as a mode of protection. I guess that's why there are extremists around the world.
So, is this a recommended movie? YES, unless you're an atheist and you don't want to believe that God exists. :)
Project 365 - Photo #54
Tuesday, February 23, 2010This is my submission to Tetra Pak's Roaring Tiger, Loving Cartons Contest.
Movie: Daybreakers (2010)
Monday, February 22, 2010
"Daybreakers" is a very brilliant movie on the subject matter of vampirism. Contrary to most vampire-themed movies whereby vampires are the minorities, in "Daybreakers", vampires dominate the world population due to an unknown outbreak.
The remaining human beings who refuse to be turned into vampires are left with no choice but to hide from being hunted and farmed for blood to replenish the ever-dwindling blood supply that ensures the survival of the entire vampire population.
Edward Dalton (Ethan Hawke), a hematologist, also a vampire, is on a mission and under pressure by his boss, Charles Bromley (Sam Neill) to find a synthetic blood-substitute before all human beings are wiped out. However, his secret desire is to save the human race. To achieve this, he has to rally with the human beings.
"That last breath of humanity will vanish as soon as the blood does." Edward Dalton
"Immortality is the miracle, we are blessed." Charles Bromley
This is a heavy, no-nonsense adult vampire movie. You won't find any crappy teen love scene. (Sorry, I despise the Twilight series.) Lots of blood and gore in slow-mo too. If you enjoy movies about the undead - zombies, vampires - this movie is highly recommended.
Prepare for some heart-tugging moments. Choices are made, sacrifices are unavoidable. In the end, you need to stand up for what you believe. Either you fight or you die. That's the tough part.
Note: I'm not sure whether it'll be shown in the Malaysian cinemas. I watched it on DVD, twice. :)
Sao Nam Restaurant @ Sri Hartamas

Address: Lot P-36, 2nd floor, Hartamas Shopping Center, Plaza Damas, Jalan Sri Hartamas 1, 50480 Kuala Lumpur.

Vietnamese Chicken Pancake is another appetizing dish made from chicken meat, eggs, topped with fresh bean sprouts and freshly chopped spring onions, and served with a generous portion of vegetables.
One great thing about Vietnamese dishes is that it's packed with greens, thus a great source of fiber. Very healthy too! :)

Vietnamese noodles are similar to our Chinese hor fun. Vietnamese dishes are not spicy. As usual, they come with a handful of basil leaves, a slice of lime, and fresh bean sprouts.
Overall, dining experience is great. Love it! :)
Restaurant Euro Deli Shop @ Damansara Kim
Sunday, February 21, 2010You can of course, come in groups with your friends or family as well.

Big portion, you might consider to share this dish.
Overall, food quality is great. Coupled with a great companion, you shall find dining a bliss. :)
Project 365 - Photo #52
Fook Yau? Sounds wrong. F-Bomb alert! :P
*Spotted at OUG, KL, somewhere around Steven's Corner (OUG) area.
Project 365 - Photo #51
Saturday, February 20, 2010Project 365 - Photo #49
Friday, February 19, 2010Bintulu Airport - super mini version of KLIA, I think. Hahaha!
13 Points You Wanna Know About Me
Wednesday, February 17, 2010To those who know me personally, perhaps it'd be good if you read this blogpost out of sincerity, not out of curiosity and I'd really appreciate that. :)
Thank you and happy reading!
1. I've written a blogpost with the title 25 Things in January 2009.
>> As I re-read the post at this point of my life, I find some points invalid, i.e. points 7, 8, 10, 16.
2. Point 7 once said, "I'm single and being single is not my fault. I can support myself with my own hard-earned money and spend my own money in whatever manner I like without reporting to anybody."
>> Wow, that was harsh. Well, to "counter-attack" that, I've written a post with the title About A Special Someone in February 2010. Yes, you've read it correctly. :)
3. Point 8 once said, "I watch movies at cinemas with my sister, 4-5 times a month, mostly on Friday nights."
>> Umm... I still do but not that often anymore. Hahaha!
4. Point 10 once said, "People change, so do I. I used to believe that I'll commit myself to marriage and family life. Now, I won't."
>> Right, people change. So, now I've changed back to being committed to my initial belief. :)
5. Point 16 once said, "I think I look better with straight hair. I shouldn't have done digital perm. Darn!"
>> No, no, no. I look better with permed hair and colored. ;)
6. In February 2009 and April 2009, I blogged about the emergence of Juice.
>> This blogpost is meant to be an answer.
7. In October 2009, I blogged about "10 Things I Believe in Finding Love & Falling in Love". Have you read it?
>> Obviously, the answer can be found from the link in point 2 of this blogpost.
8. I'm still working at the same company where I started my first job.
>> 2010 marks the 3rd year.
>> 2007-2009: Copywriter/Operations Executive. 2009-2010: Assistant Content Manager. > 2010: Project Manager. I like my job.
9. My favorite Malaysian telco is DiGi. I've a been a loyal customer since 2003, that's why.
>> Here's what I blog about DiGi's qualities that impress me.
10. I endeavor to complete my Project 365 - My Journey of "A Photo A Day" for 365 Days in 2010.
>> Here's the link for you to follow.
11. Something that touches me deeply - 14 February 2010.
>> By reflecting on my life and looking around me, I realized that I have been very lucky in many ways. Another thing occured to me, that I think I am lucky to have you too. :)
" Learning to be thankful is the first part in learning to live. " - David Alan Bates
>> Thanks dear. I am lucky to have you too. :)
12. My favorite quote about love.
>> We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.
13. Finally, why 13 points?
>> 13 is his lucky number. :)
Movie: The Collector (2009)

"The Collector" is known to be a potential rival to the Saw movie series. Chances are, the central character, the Man/Collector might become the next horror icon, just as how Freddy of Nightmare on Elm Street or Michael Myers of Halloween or Jason Voorhees of Friday 13th haunt us since the day they were created.
Read more about slashers that I've blogged here and here.
By saying that and if you're a slayer fan, you'll understand that "The Collector" shall provide you ample amount of sadistic gore, grit, torture, and blood. Yucks. In short, this is another death porn, although it may not be as intense as the Saw series.
Let's take a look at its synopsis: An ex-con in desperate need of money to repay his debt to his ex-wife breaks into the country home of his wealthy employer in an attempt to steal a valuable jewel. He soon realizes that his employer's family has been abducted by a masked killer who has rigged the house with a series of deadly traps.
Just as I've explained earlier on, this movie reeks with pain and blood and it's not recommended for those with a weak stomach, like myself. Give it a skip if you don't want to torture yourself with graphical scenes of unimaginable horror. :S
Project 365 - Photo #47
Tuesday, February 16, 2010Movie: Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009)

A new job? Hopefully.
A new man? Possibly.
A new handbag? Absolutely!
"Confessions of a Shopaholic" is adapted from the Shopaholic series of novels by Sophie Kinsella. That's an obvious fact, right? If you read one or two chick flicks, you would have seen Sophie Kinsella's books in prominent bookstores.
I like this synopsis from the DVD cover: "Struggling with her debilitating obsession with shopping and the sudden collapse of her source of income, Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) unintentionally lands a job writing for a financial magazine after a drunken letter-mailing mix-up. Rebecca's innovative comparisons and unconventional metaphors for economics grants her critical acclaim, public success, and the admiration of her supportive boss, Luke. But as she draws closer to her ultimate goal of writing for renowed fashion magazine Alette, she questions her true ambitions and must determine if overcoming her "shopaholic" condition will bring her real happiness."
Isla Fisher is stunning and she reminds me of Amy Adams from Enchanted. Overall, just as how its central character Rebecca Bloomwood is, this movie leaves you with a subtle blend of vivacious, charming, witty, and interesting feel. Well, with a happy ending too. :)
Movie: Far Cry (2008)

"Far Cry" is a German-English movie, adapted from the world's first-person-shooter video game of the same name.
Directed by Uwe Boll, Far Cry stars Til Schweiger as Jack Carver, a retired special forces officer who escorts journalist, Valerie Cardinal to visit her uncle, Max Cardinal who works on a mysterious island. With her uncle's help, Valerie is on the trail to uncover Dr. Krieger's research on genetically enginereed soldiers.
Now, set your expectations right because I failed to do so. Haha.
Yes, the whole movie is about Carver and Cardinal's attempt to rescue Uncle Max and to escape from the island and Dr. Krieger's monster soldiers. Well, it's a movie based on a shooting video game. So, technically speaking, I'm expecting some real, serious, ass-kicking, reckless yet stylish mercenary stuff.
Sad to say, I'm rather disappointed by the amount of humor interjected by a few characters. Why are there two annoying tourists and one food delivery guy appearing in the movie? They've done nothing other than spoiling the movie by uttering stupid lines that don't crack the audience up at all, I dare say.
Well, at least I've only watched it on DVD. So, I don't feel bad. Haha.
Movie: Case 39 (2010)
Monday, February 15, 2010
"Case 39" centers on an idealistic and kind-hearted social worker, Emily Jenkins (Renée Zellweger) who saves an abused 10-year-old girl from her parents only to discover that the girl is not as innocent as she thinks.
Prompted to rescue Lilith Sullivan (Jodelle Ferland) from her parents, suspected to be abusive and mentally unstable, Emily soon discovers that sweet and innocent-looking Lily holds a sinister and deadly secret.
If you still remember, in 2009, there's a similar movie with an evil little girl causing harm to everyone around her. That movie is "Orphan".
The slight difference is this: Orphan offers the audience a scientific/medical explanation regarding the protagonist's disturbed personality. In Case 39, the explanation given is related to supernatural power.
Overall, this movie is considered okay. The storyline is predictable and easy to follow throughout the entire movie. Honestly speaking, it's just another American movie about a demonic kid. Give it a skip if this genre is not your cup of tea. :)
Project 365 - Photo #46
Chinese New Year of the Tiger Day #2 - Dinner with mom & sis at Bintulu.
I know, it's food photos again. Well, mom's cooking made my day, always.
Movie: Vengeance (復仇) (2009)

Frenchman Costello (Johnny Hallyday) journeys to Macau after her daughter's (Sylvie Testud) Chinese husband and two young sons were brutally killed by Chinese triad hitmen.
Costello hires Kwai (Anthony Wong), Chu (Gordon Lam Ka-tung), and Lok (Lam Suet) to help him take revenge. Bad news is, a bullet that was lodged in Costello's brain years ago caused memory loss on and off. Adding on to the tension, the man who ordered the murder turns out to be Costello's new friends' boss (Simon Yam)!
Enough said, what happens next is a violent conflict of interests and no one seems to survive.
Not a bad movie. If you love to watch graceful gunplay in slow motion and bad guys drop dead one by one, this movie gives you the right amount of flying bullets, brotherly love, and (fake-looking) splattering blood. Old-timers Anthony Wong and Simon Yam add weight to the movie with their award-winning performances.
Check it out via DVD. I did that 'coz there's no more screening at the cinemas anymore. :)
Movie: True Legend (蘇乞兒) (2010)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
At the moment, there are two good martial art movies with "14 Blades" stealing the limelight. You'll go gaga as Donnie Yen (甄子丹) displays his stylish combat moves. Check out Kate Tsui (徐子珊) as well. She might be the next martial art heroine if given the chance.
Now, let's see what "True Legend" is about. "True Legend" is a docu-drama that chronicles the life of Su Can or Beggar Su (Su Qi-Er) or Drunken Fist Master with Vincent Zhao (趙文卓) as the lead actor.
In a nutshell, you can divide this movie into 3 parts.
Part 1: Su Can's early life in the military at the end of the Qing Dynasty and his retirement in order to be with his beloved wife and son.
Part 2: Su Can being severely injured by Yuan, his vengeful stepbrother as payback for their family feud. Yuan also kidnaps Su Can's son. However, Su Can's wife, Xiao Ying (Zhou Xun) stays with him through thick and thin. Over many months, Su Can recovers from his injuries and regains his martial art skills with the help of Lord Wushu (Jay Chou).
Part 3: Xiao Ying died. Heartbroken, Su Can wanders the streets as a drunken beggar with his son. On one occassion (I won't provide spoiler here), a severely inebriated Su creates a new style of martial arts forever known as The Drunken Fist!
Simple storyline eh? Indeed.
Check out the cast here.
Watch the trailer and decide whether you want to watch it or not. :)
Project 365 - Photo #45
Chinese New Year of the Tiger Day #1 - Dinner with mom & sis at Bintulu.
By the way, today is 14 February 2010.
Let me wish you all Happy Tiger New Year! May all of us be 'PAWS'perous, at good health, and filled with love in conjunction with Happy Valentine's Day. :)
Project 365 - Photo #44
Petronas Chinese New Year Ad 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010May the Year of the Tiger bring more goodness & happiness to you and your loved ones.
Movie: 14 Blades (錦衣衛) (2010)

Let's read the synopsis from
"Trained in clandestine combat from childhood, the Jinyiwei were masters of the 14 Blades. Above the law and with a license to kill, they devoted their lives and lethal prowess to the service of the Emperor alone.
When the Imperial Court is taken over by evil eunuch Jia, the best of the Jinyiwei, Qinglong is assigned to steal a list identifying those still loyal to the Emperor. Unbeknownst to Qinglong, the Jinyiwei have fallen under the control of Jia, and during the mission, he's betrayed and barely escapes with his life.
Now, as the most wanted man in the land, Qinglong must seek out and rally the loyalists to rise against Jia and restore the Emperor to power. In his way are the deadliest assassins in the land, his former brethren, the Jinyiwei."
Why 14 Blades? In a nutshell, Qinglong (Donnie Yen), the superior Jinyiwei carries an oblong wooden box that contains eight blades for torturing, five blades for killing, and the last blade being reserved for suicide when a mission failed. Altogether, there are 14 blades.
Now, let's have a look at the main cast:
Donnie Yen, an international martial artist is well-known for his roles in Painted Skin, Ip Man, and Bodyguards & Assassins. In 14 Blades, he plays the lead character Qinglong, the best of the Jinyiwei.
Zhao Wei (Vicki), one of China's brightest stars at present is best represented by her roles in Red Cliff, Painted Skin, and Mulan. In 14 Blades, she plays Qiao Hua, the daughter of a safe house proprietor who finally fell in love with Qinglong.
An article in The China Post has this to say: "Donnie Yen is a talented actor, and his persona in this flick is both intriguing and admirable, despite being the bad guy. His relationship with the perhaps not so attractive damsel-turned-heroine, Wei Zhao as Qiao Hua, is a memorable one, and the character he plays suits the role perfectly."
Wu Chun, Taiwan's pop sensation plays Judge, a charimastic leader of a desert outlaw gang.
Kate Tsui, 2004 Miss Hong Kong and currently a rising talent plays Tuo Tuo, a beautiful yet deadly enemy who kills anyone who comes across her determination to realize her adoptive father's dream of dethroning the Emperor.
The China Post (same article as provided in the link above) has this to say: "Perhaps his (Qinglong) most interesting foe is Tuo Tuo played by Kate Tsui, whose surreal fighting style is more magical and surprising than any other. Instead of being death defying, brutal and destructive like most assassins, she floats, and dances and twirls."
Still wondering whether you should watch this movie on the big screen? Check out its trailer.
I'd say, watch it. :)
Project 365 - Photo #43
Friday, February 12, 2010CarAds Magazine - February Issue - is out!
Test Driven: KIA Forte, Hyundai Starex Royale, Nissan Sylphy by Impul.
I suggest that you get a copy. :)