Chloe (2009) is an erotic thriller centered on Catherine (Julianne Moore) and David Stewart (Liam Neeson), a well-to-do doctor-professor couple with a 17-year-old son, Michael.
When David misses his flight on his birthday, Catherine suspects that he's cheating on her. So, she hires a young escort named Chloe (Amanda Seyfried) to seduce and test him. Chloe's supposed to report whatever that transpires to Catherine and it turns out that the descriptions Chloe gives are becoming increasingly graphic as time goes by.
However, is Chloe telling the truth? If she isn't, what's her ulterior motive in doing so?
This movie will never be screened in Malaysia due to few of erotic lesbian kissing and intimate scenes between Catherine and Chloe. Apart from these short steamy WOW factor, the whole movie is basically Chloe's detailed narration about her "affairs" with David.
Spoiler: Although much of Chloe's dialogues describe her affairs with David, he's the only one of the Stewart family members that she never sleeps with or even speaks to.
Communication breakdown, self-made "truths", and jumping into conclusions without proof are always the main culprits in relationships. Yes, I believe at certain times, TMI (too much information) may not be healthy and it's good to keep certain thoughts to yourself.
However, apart from daily light conversation and occasional serious thoughts-exchanging sessions, I believe sometimes and depends on the urgency of the issue, mild direct confrontation might be needed to avoid misunderstanding and communication breakdown. There are really a lot of things to learn along the way. :)
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