Collateral (2004) is a crime thriller movie that centers on events that transpire overnight between a contract killer and a cab driver in Los Angeles, California.
Max (Jamie Foxx) has been a cab driver for the past 12 years. One fateful night, Max picks up a wealthy-looking man named Vincent (Tom Cruise) who turns out to be a contract killer. Vincent hijacks Max's cab and forces Max to become his unwilling collateral partner. Fearing for his own safety and life, Max has no choice but to follow Vincent's instruction - he has to drive Vincent to five different spots in Los Angeles throughout the night.
In the end, it's the last straw that broke the donkey's back when Vincen't last victim is Annie Farrell (Jada Pinkett Smith), a prosecutor with the US Justice Department. Annie turns out to be Max's passenger before Vincent that night!
I enjoyed watching this movie. First, Tom Cruise as the bad guy is a refreshing theme. He has always been the good guy, most notably in Mission Impossible and Knight & Day. :) Second, the storyline has a simple and straightforward plot without much complication. You won't get twisted or cloudy explanation to what happened in each scene. Third, I like the psychologically drilling conversation between Max and Vincent. Their unlikely relationship is the pillar of the movie. They depend on each other to survive, yet in the end, one of them has to end it.
Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx's highly-acclaimed performance in this movie resulted in a lot of nominations for different awards in 2005. If you like this genre, you should watch this movie. :)
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