This is a very interesting article.
#1: The best way to tell if you're compatible is to be somewhere alone without people or distractions. If you're having a great time just with each other's company, that's a very good sign. Couples who spend most of their courtship around other people may find that they have very little to talk about when they're away from a group. Make sure you can exist "alone" as a couple.
#2: How you deal during your low points means a lot. The main reason couples' fights don't get resolved is because they can't stand the anxiety that comes from finding themselves in conflict with the person they love. That's why couples who can deal with tiffs without losing their heads have it made.
#3: Absence can make the heart grow fonder. Breaking up with someone doesn't always mean it's over. After a hiatus, many couples reunite and are stronger than ever, having gained a new-found perspective on their relationship and appreciation for its strengths.
#4: Those who laugh together, stay together. Sure, we all know that someone who makes us giggle is gold. But it's not just because it's fun to have our own personal comedian. It means you 'get' each other. That means that when you hit a rough spot -- and all relationships do, from time to time -- you can laugh about that together as well and strengthen your bond.
#5: A crisis can be a big wake-up call. Traumatic experiences, big or small, can often snap people from casual relationship status into true love mode. If no one -- not even your friends or family -- can offer you solace like the person you're seeing, that's a clear sign your relationship has legs. Sometimes the most important reason we click with a person is that we feel a sense of safety with that person. While people may not be compatible in some ways, we have a deep certainty that our romantic partners want to make sure we always have the emotional supplies we most need.
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