Source: Cleo magazine, November 2011, pp. 146-150
To guys, which type are you? To girls, which type is your guy? Read on.
The Italian Stallion... is a tireless workhouse. His career is and always has been his number one priority. He pursues his financial ambitions with unrelenting diligence (which is good), enjoying his freedom to roam the land. Anything that slows him down is dealt with promptly and callously... including women (which is bad). If you date an Italian stallion, be prepared for cancelled dinners, forgotten anniversaries and short but very painful arguments. The Stallion is rude, crass and curt. Until you become his number one, he'll not let you get in the way of his wild and free dreams.
To win him... you've to tame him. But, like breaking a wild horse, breaking an Italian Stallion takes time and patience. You can try to force him through threats, blackmail and pouts, but there's little chance you'll succeed. No, the only way you'll ever ride an Italian Stallion into submission is if you do so gently.
The Latin Flirt... is almost always in love with someone or the other, whether his heart is with her or not. You'll find him checking out the babes at clubs or chatting up the ladies at cafes, never really alone, but never really taken, either. Even with one woman on each arm, the Latin Flirt seems quite comfortable studying the anatomy of a third. However, in The Love Diet, Mabel Iam explains that the Latin man's reputation of being a super flirt is one that they actually have trouble dealing with. "The Latin man is supposedly always ready to jump into bed, but this reputation doesn't do them any favors when they're trying to find a real partner, not just have a little fun," says Iam. "In general, having a family and raising children are top priorities for Latino men."
To win him... "Don't get flustered when he looks at you," says Iam. "Men have a way of fixating on certain body parts (breasts, rear, legs), and it's especially pronounced in Latino men." Let the Latin Flirt works his charm on you - after all, that's why you're interested in him. The way to win him over is to demonstrate that you're a woman who are open to long-term relationship without coming on too strong.
The French Romantic... is, of course, full of hogwash. His sweet nothings will make you blush and, long after he's gone, you'll lie awake at night thinking of the things he said and did to you. If you complain that men don't buy flowers anymore, that they don't sing or write love letters anymore, then you haven't dated a French Romantic yet. The French Romantic comes from the land of Chanel No. 5 and Givenchy, and believes in candlelit dinners, sensual massages and nice presents. He'll make you feel more special than any other type of man, but beware: the French are not without their flaws. He's very fashionable and highly individualistic - don't expect him to change his bad habits for you.
To win him... you've to let yourself be romanced. How? By becoming more French-like yourself. "If you strip away the stereotypes and contradictions about her, one of the fundamental qualities associated with the French girl is her sense of self-possession," says Debra Ollivier in Entre Nous: A Woman's Guide to Finding Her Inner French Girl. "She's entirely, unequivocally self-contained." So be yourself and let him do the calling. Don't fall for his loveliness too soon, or he'll quickly lose interest.
The Oriental Baby... needs to be mollycoddled. With dimply smiles and innocent eyes, he's a hopeless devotee of any woman who takes an interest in him. True, he may not be able to anticipate your needs very well, but that's precisely why you like him, isn't it? Oriental Babies are hapless fellows when it comes to love and relationships. They neither understand a woman's basic need to fight or make up, nor the intricate power struggles that take place between men and women in love. They need to be told what to do and how to do it - don't expect them to read your mind and know what you want, because they're incapable of such sophistication in their relationships. Their adoration of you is pure and unadulterated, and all they want is the same in return.
To win him... you've to take care of him. Mother him, even. Iron his clothes, cook his meals, run his errands. The Oriental Baby equates love with these things and, much as some of you may hate to admit it, there are women who think the same.
The English Bore... needs to be listened to. His is a history of conquering, colonizing pompousness, and he really does believe that he stands head-and-shoulders above everyone else. His ego is enormous, as is his mouth, and you probably like him because he spouts so much apparent wisdom and eloquence that he must be right - how could he not be? The English Bore wins women over by wit, intellect and disinterestedness. He loves the sound of his voice, and is of the opinion that his opinions are the only ones that matter. Unfortunately, there's only so much a woman can listen to from one man, and eventually, his charming chatter does become a boring babble. Still, if Victoria Beckham an put up with it for the sake of David's purse strings, why not you, right?
To win him... you've to indulge him. Laugh at his banal wisecracks. Pay attention to his wise nuggets. Wonder at his superior intellect. Let him think he's master of your universe, and he'll be more than pleased to give you diamonds in exchange for your adulation.
The Spanish Matador... is a cliched hero. He loves the 15th century ideals of dueling for the women he loves because he doesn't believe in easy love. He wants, no, needs to fight for you! Of course, in these modern times, fist-fights over ladies are less common. Society has evolved, as Valentina Artsrunik points out in How to Flirt and Be Seductive, "While the primitive male used spears, and later swords, to demonstrate chivalry and win the heart of the woman of his choice," says Artsrunik, "the contemporary man resorts to wit, sense of humor, a fancy car or a large wallet, career prospects, stock portfolio and so on."
To win him... you've to play a complicated game of cat-and-mouse and let him go to extremes to 'win' you, even though you may have been long ready to drop your pants and make babies with him. Play hard to get. Play the prey. "The most famous courtesans of all times knew well how to capitalize on being the 'prey'," says Artsrunik in her book.
The American Hero... needs no introduction. Hollywood has done a pretty good job at marketing the American Hero to the world - if there's one culture that we're more familiar with than our own, it's his. American Heroes believe in gender equality and all its virtues so if he ever comes to a woman's rescue, then that's an American Hero at work. This shouldn't be confused as a sign of love, because it's more about his principles than anything else. Unlike the Spanish Matador, the American Hero will fight for your rights because he's a hero and not necessarily because he's into you.
To win him... you must be able to stand on your own two feet. The American Hero rescues damsels in distress every day so to be someone special to him, you must be able to fend for yourself - that's how you differentiate yourself from the other women he rescues, and in doing so, you gain his respect and affection. Dating an American Hero is a very liberating experience because he relates to you on such equal terms - try it!
The Scandinavian Stone... has a cold, frigid persona that attracts only a select few women. Either through bad experience or an inhospitable upbringing, the Scandinavian Stone has come to regard women with suspicion and contempt. Personal relationships are few and far in between. He doesn't have more than one or two friends, if any at all. And love, as far as he's concerned, is a myth - there's only a biological imperative to procreate, nothing more. If you didn't know any better, you'd call a Scandinavian Stone a heartless, loveless creep. But that's not nature's way. Everyone has the capacity to love and care for others. The question is, how do you get the Scandinavian Stone to love and care for you.
To win him... you've to flirt - it's the only way you're going to get through. You can't 'break' through that fortress around his heart. You've to take it apart, brick-by-brick. It may take months or even years, but with persistence, you'll get there. "Flirting builds rapport," explain Ron Louis and David Copeland in How To Succeed With Men. "Having rapport creates a a bond. The bond creates the opening for a date, and a date can become the foundation for your relationship."
The Jamaican Gypsy... is, at his core, fun on legs. Sometimes jobless, often broke, he leads the life of a drifter without a care for the future or past: the present is all that matters. No money? No problem - he'll wash a car or two to earn his lunch, and paint someone's roof for dinner. His kinds aren't the most secure of boyfriends and he might not even be able to put a ring on it! However, some girls admire their ability to live in such reckless abandon and are able to laugh about it. Optimism is infectious that way.
To win him... you've to convince him to commit to you. The reason he's able to lead a life of near-zero responsibility is because he makes sure he never takes on more than he can afford to lose. With no loans, no credit cards and no dependents, the Jamaican Gypsy is free... and he knows it.
Interesting article right? My special someone is a blend between The English Bore and The Oriental Baby. Cute!
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