In April, after the papers are signed, we will be 'legalized'. In June, after the ceremony and reception are done, we will be staying under one roof.
So now, his current house looks like a giant dumpster. Things are being packed into boxes and bags and they will be moved to the new house soon. Useless stuff are thrown away and unwanted items will be donated.
The following paragraphs contain disjointed thoughts because I feel like writing a journal entry with pieces of thoughts here and there.
Events are speeding up as the big day draws near. Mixed feelings: both excitement and nervousness. Tonnes of things to be done: the legals, the house, finer details of our wedding preparation, wallet-bleeding expenses, etc. Gah!
He said his world is about to 'end' soon. Come to think of it, my world will face the same 'predicament' too. The optimists say, marriage is a brand new beginning. The pessimists say, marriage is love's tomb. Our singlehood is ending soon and what lies ahead are bigger responsibilities to be shouldered... together. Be it heaven or hell, just bring it on!
Seriously, those who are planning to get married, make sure you are mentally prepared for much stress and anxiety because there really are a lot of things to be sorted out and to be done. It's no joke.
Need a break, but no Kit-Kat. I'm on diet until the wedding's over. I can't take a lot of carbs and sugary food.
Oh Lord, I'm running around like a helpless chicken again. Please guide me.
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