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Change the "light bulb" or change the "house"?

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Lunch time with colleagues can be pretty rewarding. Random topics are discussed, ideas are shared, and jokes are laughed at.

There was one particular lunch session whereby we talked about relationship-related stuff. I was curious about how people deal with their ex or ex-es. I wanna know, in general, will past experiences affect current relationship?

As usual, opinions and advices were spoken and shared by those who have such experiences.

The zest was this: It's personality-dependent. However, it's pretty safe to say, if the guy doesn't talk much about his past relationships and in particular, his ex or ex-es, he has put the past behind. What's history is history.

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One guy (CS) gave the ultimatum, which sounded like this: The bottom line is that girls always think too much.

When the boyfriend talks about his ex, the girlfriend starts to doubt and wonder if the boyfriend still loves the ex.

When the boyfriend never or rarely talks about his ex, the girlfriend also wonders whether he is withholding information or something like that.

So, girls, please don't think too much, just follow the flow and be assured that as long as he doesn't talk about his ex all the time, you're safe.

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Not long after that, a girl (RT) gave this analogy. A relationship is like a house. What do you do when there is a faulty light bulb in the house? Do you change the light bulb or do you change the house?

Meaning to say, if there are some hiccups in your relationship, do you "change the light bulb" (fix the problem) or do you "change the house" (change the boyfriend/girlfriend)?

Everyone started to chip in philosophically. Most agreed with "changing the light bulb" instead of "changing the house".

And guess what? CS gave an answer that made the girls went "awwwww....." He said, "If you're committed in your current relationship, you won't even let anyone TOUCH the light bulb."

RT also agreed, "We don't need OTHERS to do the fixing job. Just find a "chair" or "ladder" and fix the "light bulb" on your own."

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Yoda in the making huh? I mean since we all are being so philosophical during lunch time. :P

Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda, Jedi Master

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