Korean Chamisul Soju, Lotte Mart @ One Utama
Do you know where's 1U's open car park as well as the Aeroline's office at 1U? If you enter 1U via the entrance near the Aeroline office, you shall find Lotte Mart on your right. And this floor/level is called LG. Another alternative is, find where Oval is and take the escalators down to LG, walk past DiGi Service Center, go straight on, and you won't miss Lotte Mart's fiery red walls. :)
Believe me. If you love Korean food (especially snacks and those gigantic instant noodles) and beverages (including alcoholic drinks), you must visit this neat little mart. My sisters got her hands on a few packets of snacks, as usual. Haha...
As for me, I bought this: Korean Chamisul Soju, the green bottle on the left (photo below). Ignore the Kampai Ice bottle. I found that in my fridge just now. LOL!
According to Wikipedia (link provided above), soju is clear in color and typically varies in alcohol content from about 20% to about 45% alcohol by volume (ABV), with 20% ABV being most common. Its taste is comparable to vodka, though often slightly sweeter because of the sugars added in the manufacturing process.
Haha! Ok, this bottle that I bought contains 19.5% alcohol content. Oh yes, it tastes like vodka, but slightly sweeter. And it's best drank chilled. And it's only RM11. And I like the green bottle, good for my Koleksi™. Anymore 'ands'?
Yes, and let me drink another sip. ;)
Oh, don't worry. That bottle will last for a couple of months.
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