Finally it's SATURDAY!!! Why so happy? Because it's the day for a weekend trip for the 15 for us! Well, we can call this an unofficial team-building/bonding session. :) Although we all have much bonding during lunch and sometimes dinner/supper, it's always fun to have occasional (or once in a blue moon) outing trips. :D
The plan for a healthy activity of hill-hiking at Gasing Hill for the gang was hatched by our beloved art director early this week and God blessed us with a nice weather on this beautiful Saturday morning.
P/S: Well, it's good that we all succeeded to go ahead with this plan. Look at how our Genting trip failed to be "launched" after so much discussion that ended with so much FFKs. "URS" pun never get passed gehhh... :P
Okay, let's get back to Gasing Hill. The journey uphill started from this starting point.
The plan for a healthy activity of hill-hiking at Gasing Hill for the gang was hatched by our beloved art director early this week and God blessed us with a nice weather on this beautiful Saturday morning.
P/S: Well, it's good that we all succeeded to go ahead with this plan. Look at how our Genting trip failed to be "launched" after so much discussion that ended with so much FFKs. "URS" pun never get passed gehhh... :P
Okay, let's get back to Gasing Hill. The journey uphill started from this starting point.

10 minutes later, everybody was still going uphill steadily and full of stamina. Some took photos along the way. Some chatted, laughed, bla...bla...bla.
Then, suddenly, I felt a sudden, urgent need to stop. I could feel my brain "dying" due to the lack of blood circulation. I was quite nauseous. Worse, I didn't have breakfast. Well, Windy suffered the same fate as I did, so both of us began our journey downhill. :(
Well, going downhill didn't necessarily mean that we've to stand there, wait, and did nothing. So we decided to take a long, long hike (I mean walk :P) along Jalan Gasing 5 and tried to find something to alas perut.

About one hour later, the gang began to gather at the playground downhill for a short rest before proceeding to Taman Paramount for dim sum!!!
Look at them. All kinds of expressions. :D

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