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Health & Wellness







老魔鬼又派了第二个小魔鬼去。第而个小魔鬼想,既然让他更加辛苦也没有用,那就拿走他所拥有的东西吧!那小魔鬼就把他午餐的面包和水偷走,他想,农夫作得那么辛苦,又累又饿,却连面包跟水不见了,这下子他一定会暴跳如雷!农夫又渴又饿的到树下休息,想不到面包跟水都不见了!“不晓得是哪个可怜的人比我更需要那块面包跟水?如果这些东西就能让他得温饱的话,那就好了。” 又失败了,小魔鬼又弃甲而逃。



有一天,老魔鬼来了,小魔鬼就告诉老魔鬼说,“您看!我现在要展现我的效果。这农夫现在已经有猪的血液了。” 只见农夫办了个晚宴,所有富有的人都来参加;喝最好的酒,吃最精美的餐点,还有好多的仆人侍候。他们非常浪费的吃喝,衣裳凌乱,醉得不省人事,开始变得像猪一样癡肥愚蠢。

“你还可以看见他身上有狼的血液,” 小魔鬼又说。这时,一个仆人端着葡萄酒出来,不小心跌了一跤。农夫就开始骂他,“你作事怎么不小心!” “唉!主人,我们到现在都没有吃饭,饿得浑身无力。” “事情没有作完,你们怎么可以吃饭!”

老魔鬼见了,高兴得对小魔鬼说,“唉!你太了不起!你是怎么办到的?” 小魔鬼说,“我只不过是让他拥有比他需要的更多而已,这样就可以引发他人性中的贪婪。”




Merry 13SG X'Mas!


When the wind blows...

Imagine that you are standing on an elevated place... The cool mountain breeze is blowing... kissing your face... messing up your long, flowing hair... You are closing your eyes... Your arms are extended to embrace the cooling air... You are nothing but relaxed.

At this moment, you hope that someone would just embrace you from behind. Then, you could savor these moments together - the magical feeling of being "blown away" and yet still safe and sound in someone's arms.

I'm dreaming...

Well... I was at Genting Highlands. At one point, on the way back to the car park, the blowing, icy cold night air caught my breath. The feeling was awesome... At that point of time, all I could think of was this song:


The loneliness was overwhelming. I guessed it didn't show much on my face. How I wish I was there for a longer period of time. I have always wanted the wind to blow away all my grief and sorrow...

Then, it was time to go home. Home... home... home...

Another day was gone.

Back at home, I saw my best pal's photo collection in Australia in her Friendster profile. She's practically enjoying life in Australia with her hubby. Wow... I admire her, I mean her life. Yet, I know that everyone has his/her own pathway of life to tread upon. Not my luck yet.

Sometimes I wonder, what's wrong with me? My sister would always tell me, "There's nothing wrong with you, it's just as simple as your fate hasn't arrive yet." Well, I agree BUT...

If people are to ask me what are the characteristics that I want in a boyfriend, I would be like, "I've never thought about this before." Yet, I guess it won't hurt to THINK about it although I don't like thinking.

Here are the TOP 3 characteristics:
1. Stable - meaning that this guy is able to give me the sense of stability & security, not fickleness.
2. Compatible - meaning that we do share something (of course not everything) in common that causes the bonding or connection.
3. Sense of humor - meaning that this guy is able to make me laugh, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Since I'm very sensitive towards feelings, I have to guard myself from falling in love with those who treat me as "FRIEND ONLY." Once bitten, twice shy. Haha...

So, do I sound like an idiot? Nobody likes to walk alone but I'll have to bear with it until he comes into my life.

God, will you help me?



So, anyone has any idea of how to live a BETTER LIFE?


The difference between Fri evening & Mon morning

Have fun! You gotta agree with what you read and watch later :)


Sneezing Panda

Just watch this video:







Upgrade from Boyfriend to Husband

An IT Joke


Dear IT Support,
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in the overall performance, particularly in the flower, gifts, and jewelery applications that had operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.

In addition, Husband 1.0 un-installed many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but installed undesirable programs such as Formula One 5.0, NBA 3.0, and World Cup 2.0.

And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the System. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.

What can I do?

Desperate Housewife


Dear Desperate Housewife,
First keep in mind:

Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system.

Try entering the command C:\ I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and download Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0. If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.

But remember, overuse can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Late Night Teh Tarik 6.1. Late Night 6.1 is a very bad program that will create SnoringLoudly.wav files.

Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-Law 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program. These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.

In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly.

You might consider additional software to improve memory and performance. I personally recommend Hot Tasty Food 3.0 and Tongkat Ali 6.9.

Good Luck,
IT Support













A Reminder

This is a very good story that reminds me of not to take friends for granted.

Too Busy for a Friend?

One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name. Then she told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down. It took the remainder of the class period to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed in the papers.

That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and listed what everyone else had said about that individual. On Monday she gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling. "Really?" she heard whispers. "I never knew that I meant anything to anyone!" and, "I didn't know others liked me so much," were most of the comments. No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. She never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another. That group of students moved on.

Several years later, one of the students was killed in Vietnam and his teacher attended the funeral of that special student. She had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. He looked so handsome, so mature. The church was packed with his friends. One by one those who loved him took a last walk by the coffin. The teacher was the last one to bless the coffin. As she stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as pallbearer came up to her.

"Were you Mark's math teacher?" he asked. She nodded: "yes." Then he said: "Mark talked about you a lot."

After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates went together to a luncheon. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting to speak with his teacher.

"We want to show you something," his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket "They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it."

Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. The teacher knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which she had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him.

"Thank you so much for doing that," Mark's mother said. "As you can see, Mark treasured it."

All of Mark's former classmates started to gather around. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, "I still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk at home."

Chuck's wife said, "Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album."

"I have mine too," Marilyn said. "It's in my diary."

Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group. "I carry this with me at all times," Vicki said and without batting an eyelash, she continued: "I think we all saved our lists."

That's when the teacher finally sat down and cried. She cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again.


Time to reflect...


Liking somebody is to love that person in a very mild way. Loving somebody is to like that person deeply. Is it?

If you don't love that person, please let go of him/her, so that he/she has the chance to be loved by someone else. However, if the one whom you love let go of you, don't hold on grudgingly. Open yourself up that you may have the chance to love someone else.

Well... you just gotta agree when you have been through it :)


Living Life

Once upon a time, there was an Emperor. He told his horseman that if he could ride on his horse and cover as much land area as he likes, then the Emperor would give the horseman the area of land that he has covered.

So, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and rode as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could. He kept on riding and riding, whipping his horse to go as fast as possible. When he was hungry or tired, he did not stop because he wanted to cover as much area as possible.

It came to a point when he had covered a substantial area and he was exhausted and was dying. Then he asked himself, "Why did I push myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only need a very small area to bury myself."

The above story is similar with the journey of our Life. We push very hard everyday to make more money, to gain power and recognition. We neglect our health, time with our family, and to appreciate the surrounding beauty and the hobbies we love.

One day when we look back, we will realize that we don't really need that much, but then we cannot turn back time for what we have missed.

Life is not about making money, acquiring power or recognition. Life is definitely not about work! Work is only necessary to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life.

Life is a balance of Work and Play, Family and Personal time.
You have to decide how you want to balance your Life.

Define your priorities, realize what you are able to compromise but always let some of your decisions be based on your instincts.

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of Life, the whole aim of human existence.

So, take it easy, do what you want to do and appreciate nature. Life is fragile, Life is short. Do not take Life for granted. Live a balanced lifestyle and enjoy Life!

Watch your thoughts ; they become words.
Watch your words ; they become actions.
Watch your actions ; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character .
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny .

If you think you know what LOVE is...

I don't know who did these nice quotes and graphics but credits are yours :) Thanks!

I'm reconsidering what LOVE is...


Congrats! Congrats!

So sweet! Just got the news that my spiritual mom is married on 05 November, and that was a week ago! She's 37, her husband is 44. She's a sweet, caring lady. Good to hear that she's married. It's indeed the Lord's provision.

Another news: One of my best pals who got married in Apr last year is now pregnant and her baby is due next April or May.

In fact, all my best pals are people's wives -_-"
So, I can't really hang out with them. Only occasionally.

Chillin' Out

I'm gonna use spoken English to write this post. So, don't blame me for grammatical errors, please.

It's past 11:45pm, Sunday. I dreaded for Monday to come. Monday means working day. Same goes to Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Working day means a 'helluva' day. The good thing about Monday through Friday is that I can meet up with a bunch of great colleagues. We work, we brainstorm, we go for loooooong lunch breaks (occassionally, don't get me wrong), we joke, and ehem.... flirt around, to a safe extent, of course.

The group which I always hang out with during office hours is basically the design-content team, plus two programmers from another team. 80% male, 20% female, and almost 98% are 80's babies. *frown* I feel soooo old although I was born in 1979, just a year away from being one of the 80's babies.

Guess what. I joined one of my female colleagues for lunch yesterday, and let me tell you, this colleague is young, born in 1984, and the friends whom she invited along are all the EARLY twenties' guys and gals. I was SO conscious, in case I look like an auntie, talking to a bunch of crappy teenagers. But it turned out that they didn't know my real age. Good! That night itself, I went out again with another three YOUNG colleagues. *sobs*

There are occasions of which some mothers thought that I'm 23 or 24. Haha... When I mixed around with some of the secondary school kids whom I'm familiar with, I was mistaken to be one of them *gasp*

My point is: I'm in my late twenties, but I'm YOUNG! I'm young, both physically and psychologically. One more interesting point. Most of my guy friends are younger than I. I just don't know why. It seems that I have more affinity with younger guys. May be it's because I look young. No, I AM young. In fact, I don't mind dating a younger guy, maximum 3-4 years younger, if that's fate. I think I can hear gasping sounds...

Somebody's going to say that I'm ranting for a boyfriend again. Well... Fate is fate. Let's see how it turns out to be.

I think I hear whispering sounds...


I believe my writing skill is resurrected. *wink*

Job Joke


Put about 100 bricks in no particular order in a closed room withan open window. Then send 2 or 3 candidates in the room and close the door. Leave them alone and come back after 6 hours and then analyze the situation.

If they are counting the bricks, put them in the Accounts Department.
If they are recounting them, put them in Auditing.
If they have messed up the whole place with the bricks, put them in Engineering.
If they are arranging the bricks in some strange order, put them in Planning.
If they are throwing the bricks at each other, put them in Operations.
If they are sleeping, put them in Security.
If they have broken the bricks into pieces, put them in Information Technology.
If they are sitting idle, put them in Human Resources.
If they say they have tried different combinations, yet not a brick has been moved, put them in Sales.

If they have already left for the day, put them in Marketing.
If they are staring out of the window, put them on Strategic Planning.
If they are standing around talking to each other and not a single brick has been moved, congratulate them and put them in Top Management!

Which type are you? Haha!

Gutsy Prayer

This is a prayer given in Kansas at the opening session of their Senate. It seems prayer still upsets some people. When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this is what they heard:

"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance.

We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done.
We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem.
We have abused power and called it politics.
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.

Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen!"

The response was immediate. A number of legislators walked out during the prayer in protest. In 6 short weeks, Central Christian Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more than 5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls responding negatively. The church is now receiving international requests for copies of this prayer from India , Africa and Korea. Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, "TheRest of the Story," and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired.

Amazing Stories

Amazing stories...
Lessons to make us think about the way we treat people:

Cleaning Lady
"During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one: What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school? Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.

"Absolutely," said the professor. " In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say "Hello."

I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.

Pickup in the Rain
One night, at11:30 p.m., an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960s. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance, and put her into a taxicab. She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached.

It read:
"Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away... God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others."

Mrs. Nat King Cole.

Remember Those Who Serve
In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.

"How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked.

"Fifty cents," replied the waitress. The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it.

"Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired. By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient.

"Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied. The little boy again counted his coins.

"I'll have the plain ice cream," he said.

The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies. You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.

Obstacle in Our Path
In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the king indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand!

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

Giving When It Counts...
Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, "Yes I'll do it if it will save her."

As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away". Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.

Sometimes, it takes just a few minutes to ponder, yet a life time to wonder.


Some interesting biblical words:

Matthew 7:7
[A]sk and it shall be given to you;
[S]eek and you shall find;
[K]nock and it shall be opened to you.

Ask = Ask, Seek, Knock

GOSPEL = GO + SPeak the GospEL (God = El in the Old Testament) = Go & speak about God to people. This is the meaning of the Gospel.

GRACE = God be with us in the Christian RACE.

SWORD = ...and the sword of the Spirit, which Spirit is the WORD of God. (Eph. 6:17)

(Eph. 6:18)

Want to know the Bible? Go here.

Concerning Health

I believe this article has been circulated via email quite some time ago.

Water Treatment
It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. This is called water treatment, proven to be successful by the Japanese medical society to cure the following diseases: Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, obesity, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.

1. Wake up in the morning, before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water.
2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes.
3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as usual.
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours.
5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.

Drink Water, Stay Healthy & Active
The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water. For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down digestion. Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fat and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.









