We're aware of how 2012 is hyped as the great disaster or apocalypse movie of 2009. 2012 is based loosely on the 2012 phenomenon, which is basically the Mayan's prediction of how the world will end with cataclysmic events on December 21, 2012.
Once again, Roland Emmerich, known as the "Demolition King" who also directed Independence Day (1996), Godzilla (1998) and The Day After Tomorrow (2004), gives us another disaster flick. In Independence Day, there were aliens annihilating mankind; in Godzilla, a giant lizard terrorized New York City; in The Day After Tomorrow, drastic and disastrous climate change brought tsunami and havoc.
Now, in 2012, the whole world ends dramatically and prominent landmarks all over the world tumbled and crashed.
It's a great movie. Impressive CGI, realistic scenes, and tear-jerking moments when it comes to how a human being relate to another human being, regardless of race, when they realize that the end is imminent. Urgh. I've to pinch myself so that I won't burst into tears. :(
For a movie as long as 2 hours and 40 minutes, there must be something that could keep the audience glued to their seats. 2012 did this with an interesting and straightforward flow without dwelling too deep in the Mayan theory or any other theories about doomsday. It doesn't touch about religion or God. In fact, the most prominent factor that holds the movie together is the portrayal of the value, strength, and importance of humanity in times of danger, hopelessness, and fear.
A very good movie. Must watch. The tickets are selling like hot cakes and it's very difficult to get them. Try your luck, maybe after a week later? :)
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