First, let's recalibrate our understanding about relationships, it definitely includes the male-female relationship, but it's also far beyond that. Secondly, we've to know that there's a threefold relationship that makes us bigger:
1) Between man & God - it's a matter of obedience
2) Between man & others - it's a matter of enriching one another
3) Between man & nature
I'm particularly helped in the second point - the relationships between a human being and another human being is actually a matter of enriching each one's life. Why is that so? Our lives are enriched when we enrich others' live and this is how and what makes us bigger. Individualism makes us feel small, restless, lonely, lost, and meaningless. Therefore, we need to relate & minister to others.
What does enrich and minister mean? Actually, I don't really know. But I believe, deep within us, we know who are those whose life we can enrich and how we can do it. He or she maybe a cellmate, a church member, a colleague, a sibling, an acquaintance, or even total strangers. Maybe a smile, a prayer, a simple hello, a wave of your hand, a ride in your car, an email, anything, as long as it brings joy and eventually Christ to the person, I believe these little actions are our ways to enrich and minister to others.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." ~ Galatians 5:22-23
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