Paranormal Activity (2007) is reported to be a successful no-budget horror movie shot mostly on a hand-held camcorder.
Based on the movie's promotional poster: "Paranormal Activity" is one of the scariest movies of all time. You will be affected as it's hard to ignore the imprint it leaves on your psycho. Nightmares are guaranteed."
How does the story go? Micah (newcomer Micah Sloat) and Katie (newcomer Katie Featherston) suspect that their house is haunted by a malevolent supernatural entity, the same entity that haunted Katie since her childhood. This evil force followed her from house to house, attracted to her for no reasons. Micah and Katie set up video surveillance to capture evidences of what happen at night as they sleep.
What you'll be watching is basically how this young couple prepare themselves to capture any supernatural evidence and also footage from the camcorder that shows how ferocious the entity is as it creates havoc that increases in intensity within 21 days.
The movie starts off rather slow in pace, picks up intensity after about 45 minutes, and finally, ends with a slightly unexpected scene of how evilly-determined the force is to destroy the young couple's life.
Overall, it's not among the best horror movies that I've watched, but still, if you like horror movies, it's watchable.
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