Original Article: Interpretation of Results for Dr Helen Fisher's Why Him? Why Her? Personality Test for Love

- a product of high dopamine activity (associated with curiosity and spontaneity).
- curious, creative, adventurous, sexual, impulsive, self-reliant, also known for high energy, novelty, risk and pleasure seeking ways, and not being easily swayed by opinion.
- unpredictable and hard to rely upon, which does not make them good marriage material, not prone to routine and don't tolerate boredom very well. Their impatience can make them selfish companions as they don't generally bend themselves to anyone's rules.
- Explorers are drawn to other Explorers because they crave excitement, optimism, impulsivity, and curiosity in their partner. The Explorer/Explorer match is generally strong because Explorers love adventure and want a partner to share their spontaneity. Since both are willing to tolerate risks, two Explorers can find themselves in disastrous situations. Explorers are not usually very introspective so the pair often avoids difficult discussions.

- a product of high serotonin activity (associated with sociability and feelings of calm).
- calm, persistent, loyal, traditional, cooperative, social, managerial, usually very popular with good people skills, affable, social, consistent, protective, with deep attachment to home and family, and low anxiety.
- have a close circle of friends since duty and loyalty are amongst the traits they value highly. Their loyalty to friends and family is often absolute. They value security above almost everything.
- careful, cautious, and don't often plunge head over heels into new adventures, not dreamers, well-prepared, not inclined to make the same mistake twice, hold moral standards in very high regard, not easily bored or distracted, and that allows them to be methodical, dependable, and hard-working.
- headstrong, stubborn, will not easily let go of their plans, quite easily delve into being pessimistic, too rigid, and taking things way too literally.
- Builders usually fall for other Builders. The dislike for Negotiators seems to be between literal and metaphoric, tradition and theoretical, practicality and idealism. There was also a universal dislike for Directors, probably for their independence and individualism rather than community-orientation, not to mention the former's directness. Builders are most likely to marry each other, to say they are happy in their marriage and less likely to divorce than other combination.

- a product of high testosterone activity (associated with independence and rational thinking).
- analytical, decisive, focused, inventive, competitive, independent, strategic-minded, daring, original, direct, non-conforming, skilled at abstract thinking and short-term planning, often assertive, tough-minded, and efficient.
- chief characteristic is competitiveness -- to be the best in everything they try, pragmatic, tough-minded and decisive, never taken aback by difficult situations, make up their minds quickly, even if they are faced with difficult choices.
- love rational analysis, logical reasoning and objectivity, not prone to fall into many traps, attentive, paying lots of attention to details and often focus on the minutiae details of their life. This makes their lives easier while they are heading towards that specific goal and they rarely waste time on their way to reaching it.
- dedicated, loyal and interested in sharing their ideas, which means they can make close friends. They can be very protective of those they love.
- social skills are not great and rarely make efforts to seem more social or affable, can appear distant and cold, only tending to please those who might be useful to them, miss the nuances of social situations and personal feelings.
- Directors are drawn to Negotiators, and vice-versa. Builders are probably just too traditional and cautious for the bold and unconventional Directors. The theory behind Directors and Negotiators being drawn to each other is because they compliment each other. Negotiators see the big picture while Directors focus on smaller pieces of the puzzle. Negotiators are skilled at seeing all angles without taking action and Directors are decisive yet don't often analyze ancillary data. The two types are also compatible socially. Negotiators are good at smoothing over Directors' inappropriate comments and Directors admire the diplomatic nature of Negotiators. The Director / Negotiator match: They need each others' skills. The indecisive need the decisive. The tough-minded need the tenderhearted.

- a product of high estrogen activity (associated with intuition and creativity).
- imaginative, verbal, intuitive, idealistic, agreeable, introspective, excel at seeing the big picture, long-term planning and consensus building, flexible, socially skilled, empathetic, nurturing, easily accommodating, compassionate, social-minded, friendly, authentic, earnest, and diplomatic.
- very good with people and have a strong insight to minds and hearts, almost instinctively knowing what others are thinking and feeling, good at reading facial expressions, gestures, postures and tone of voice.
- quite introspective and self-analytical, like finding behind the reasons of their actions, words, thoughts, motives, hidden meanings, etc. Also, in relationships, they have a tendency to go to great lengths to deeply analyze the strengths and weaknesses of their match.
- mentally quite flexible, weighing up all the pros and cons before reaching any decision. This gives them an opportunity to choose between a lot of different ways how to react to something and how to proceed.
- unable to be confrontational, they can sometimes appear spineless. The careful reconstruction of every step, word, action and thought in a romantic relationship, going over and over it to come up with even the most subtle meaning behind them can be quite suffocating and tiresome.
- Negotiators are drawn to Directors, and vice-versa.
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