I had a good, fun, and educational time at the event. Here's my blog post: Nokia Recyclimpics 1-3 July 2011
After depositing four of our old mobile phones at the event, David and I received four registration cards for the Nokia Recycle A Phone Adopt A Tree Program.
The card looks like this:
1. Log into http://www.nokia.mynewtrees.com/Register.aspx to register.
2. Follow the instructions as shown on the screen.
3. Type in the serial number and Registration number which is located below this card.
4. Nokia will send you a planting certificate with the co-ordinates of your tree via email.
This is the notification after our registration.2. Follow the instructions as shown on the screen.
3. Type in the serial number and Registration number which is located below this card.
4. Nokia will send you a planting certificate with the co-ordinates of your tree via email.

We received an email with planting certificates from Nokia.
Thank you for recycling your mobile phone(s) with Nokia and participating in our Nokia Recycle A Phone Adopt A Tree Program. We are pleased to advise you the coordinates of the tree we will be planting on your behalf.
Certificate reference: NEWtrees Tree 19996.pdf
Seeing your tree in Ovi Maps is really easy:
1. Click on this website http://www.nokia.mynewtrees.com
2. For easy reference, attached are step by step instructions how to go about viewing your tree(s).
In case you have any problems, please send an email to feedback@mynewtrees.com
Thank you again for participating in this program to help conserve the world's forests. For more information about this NEWtrees program please click on this website http://www.wwf.or.id/newtrees
With Best Regards,
Market Environmental Affairs
Nokia South East Asia Pacific
Certificate reference: NEWtrees Tree 19996.pdf
Seeing your tree in Ovi Maps is really easy:
1. Click on this website http://www.nokia.mynewtrees.com
2. For easy reference, attached are step by step instructions how to go about viewing your tree(s).
In case you have any problems, please send an email to feedback@mynewtrees.com
Thank you again for participating in this program to help conserve the world's forests. For more information about this NEWtrees program please click on this website http://www.wwf.or.id/newtrees
With Best Regards,
Market Environmental Affairs
Nokia South East Asia Pacific
Here's how we view our trees:
1. Go to website: http://www.nokia.mynewtrees.com
2. To allocate your tree, type your name or email address, and click the button "Find Your Trees". The map at the right panel will automatically navigate to your tree's coordinate with a tree icon.
3. Double click on your tree icon at the right panel, and the tree information will be displayed.
3. Double click on your tree icon at the right panel, and the tree information will be displayed.

Here's some information about the program.

Nokia has committed fund to the man-made canals damming project by WWF Indonesia. This project help to bring back the natural water table balances within the peat forest and thus prevent the drying up & underground peat fires.
The Nokia sponsored plots for re-forestation are geo-tagged (with latitudes and longitudes) with N95 device and upload to the free 'Ovi Maps' and each tree planted could be individually identified. Nokia N95 with its GPS capability will be used to take photo of the trees planted and then forward it to the program web-page in ‘Ovi Maps’ to be geo-tagged onto the park map and viewed by anyone instantly.
Read here for more info.
So, if you have old mobile phones that you don't know what to do with, do sign up for this program:
Before that, do read up about how to recycle your phones at Nokia Kiosks.
Note: This is not a sponsored post.
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