Chengmai Thai Food Restaurant (清迈餐厅) is very popular among the locals and they will strongly recommend this restaurant to visitors from out of town.
Do set the following address in your GPS device if you intend to drive to the restaurant - No. 107, Kampung Kulim, Wakaf Bharu, Tumpat, 16250 Kelantan - because it is located in a residential area that seems to be in the middle of a jungle.
Prawn Curry
This is one of the best dishes of the night. I keep "digging" in the gravy for bamboo shoots. :P
Thai-style Steamed Grouper (Siakap)

This is my favorite dish of the night. The sauce simmers slowly in the steel plate the whole night over charcoal, thus keeping the fish moist and tender. Highly recommended; you must remember to order this dish.
Roasted Pork Knuckles
Satiate your hunger for porky goodness with this huge chunk of roasted pork knuckles. Definitely a must-have for pork lovers!
Sweet and Sour Chicken
A compulsory addition to our food fiesta.
Stir-fried Kangkung with Garlic
The only vegetables dish for the night.
You can read about our previous road trips and upcoming posts about our Kuala Terengganu (KT) - Kota Bharu (KB) trip here.
Fried Calamari Strips with Garlic
Fragrant, yummy, and crunchy! It's finger licking good!
You can read about our previous road trips and upcoming posts about our Kuala Terengganu (KT) - Kota Bharu (KB) trip here.
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