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You are what you eat :)

It's kinda late. Good. It's time to get inspired by igniting my passion for writing!

So, I was really kinda inspired to write something about FOOD from another angle, with a different perspective. I'm bored about writing my dining experiences at restaurants, describing their ambiance, mentioning their physical address and website URLs, and God knows what else... Unless, of course, if I find it worthy to mention, I won't mind reverting back to those conventional presentation once in a while. :D

Okay, let's talk about this different perspective of food that I mentioned earlier on.

There are two kinds of food. First - physical. Second - spiritual.

Physical Food
Define it. Can't live without 'em, obviously. I love their variety and versatility. They make life more meaningful and worthy of living. :D

Spiritual Food
Can't live without the Bible either. Was touched by this verse: "He (God) has made everything beautiful in its time" ~ Ecclesiastes 3:11, NIV.

What we deem as ugly is beautiful in the eyes of God. We view and define certain things, persons, matters, happenings, situations, conditions, etc as ugly because they don't match or reach the mark of our self-perceived standards. Isn't this so true?

We are what we eat. Negatively speaking, if we 'eat' jealousy, we'll be consumed by it. If we 'eat' unreasonable competitiveness, we'll be exhausted by it. Positively speaking, if we 'eat' gratitude, we'll be strengthened to go on. If we 'eat' joy, we'll be glad to face every moment of our life.

The list goes on.

What are you going to eat today?

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