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Sunflowers - Cheerful, Bright, Sunny!

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My favorite flower is and shall forever be, the sunflower. I've always love gazing at these tall, cheerful yellow flowers with a seedy face, especially on bright, sunny days in the garden. Sorrow will turn into joy miraculously and spontaneously!

Sunflowers always direct their face towards the sunlight. This inspires me to look to the bright side of whichever gloomy situation. Ain't this a sweet way Mother Nature uses to remind us to be happy?


Here are some wonderful quotes that I like about sunflowers.

Bring me the sunflower crazed with the love of light.
Eugenio Montale

And the yellow sunflower by the brook, in autumn beauty stood.
William Cullen Bryant

Light-enchanted sunflower, thou who gazest ever true and tender on the sun's revolving splendor.
Pedro Calderon de la Barca

And here the sunflower of the spring burns bright in morning's beam.
Ebenezer Elliott

Space for the sunflower, bright with yellow glow, to court the sky.
Caroline Gilman

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