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Movie: Predators (2010)

Fear is Reborn

Predators (2010) is the sequel to Predator (1987) and semi-sequel to Predator 2 (1990). However, it's not related to Alien vs. Predator (2004) and Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007).

Here's the synopsis: A group of people, total strangers to one another found themselves trapped on an alien planet... as prey. They all share a disturbing similarity - they are ruthless murderers back on earth - mercenaries, Yakuza, convicts, death row inmates, serial killers. On this alien gaming planet, these human "predators" are now being taunted and hunted to be eliminated by a new breed of alien Predators in a ruthless game of survival skills.

Surprisingly, I manage to watch the entire movie without feeling sick. Thanks to the fact that the movie doesn't have as much blood and gore as I thought. That's good.

However, don't be disappointed. You're going to watch how the human beings figure their way to outwit the Predators. These alien beings, armed with advanced combat suit and their famed cloaking camouflage are fast learners and they adapt well while hunting for the human preys. They are indeed a far superior breed of "predators" compared to the human beings.

Let down your guard and enjoy each tense, thrilling, and heart-pumping moment. This movie is recommended for all action horror fans.

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