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Babywearing with a ring sling

Updated: 4 points to consider when you decide to babywear
Babywearing is fun and convenient when hubby and I bring our little one to shopping malls. He doesn't really like to sit in his stroller. So, after the father is worn out carrying the little rock, it's my turn to wear him in his green ring sling. :)

I found out about the reasons babywearing is good for babies:

1. Wearing a baby is convenient.
2. Wearing a baby promotes physical development.
3. Babies worn in slings are happier.
4. Babywearing is healthy for you!
5. Toddlers appreciate the security of the sling.
6. Babywearing helps you and your baby to communicate with each other.
7. Slings are a bonding tool for fathers, grandparents, and other caregivers.
8. Slings are a safe place for a child to be.
9. Slings are economical.
10. Babywearing is fun.

My green ring sling from The Babyloft is a gift from a friend.

If you love DIY, you might want to sew your own ring sling. Here's a pretty good tutorial - DIY Ring Sling Tutorial.

If you want to learn how to wear a ring sling, this is a pretty good article - Using a Ring Sling.

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