1. You spend hours in any bookstore. In fact, bookstores become you and your partner's frequent dating spot.
(Me: Perfecto!)
2. You spend compulsively on books, even when you're feeling dejected, bored or restless.
(Me: Ahhh, not yet. :P)
3. You spend a fortune during books warehouse sales, e.g. Big Bad Wolf Sale or Times Books Clearance Sale.
(Me: Ahhh, not yet either. :P)
4. You rather buy books even though they're not on sale and not clothes/handbags/shoes/perfumes/make-up kits although they're on sale.
(Me: Guilty as charged.)
5. You hope that you'll get books that you secretly want or book vouchers for your birthday present and other special occasions.
(Me: Well, not really.)
6. You buy both the hardcover and paperback versions of the book you want because you think that's the reason the publishers print both versions.
(Me: No, I don't.)
7. You walk into your study room and bedroom and find yourself tripping over piles of books on the floor because your bookshelves are full.
(Me: Those are not my books. :P)
8. You start talking and discussing about fictional characters from the books you've read as if they really exist.
(Me: No, I don't.)
9. You're so worried that people won't return your books, so you won't let them borrow your books. You're adamant about this habit.
(Me: Perhaps.)
10. You're more than willing to sacrifice a night's rest to stay up and finish the book so that you can read other books tomorrow. Well, so many books, so little time, right?
(Me: I think sleep is more important. :P)
Verdict: Ahhh, so I'm not a bookaholic. :)
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