I've been quite skeptical about Thai horror movies ever since I watched a few disappointing flops. To be on the safe side, I choose to watch movies produced or directed by acclaimed Thai filmmakers only. E.g. 4bia (2008) & Phobia 2 (2009), Soul's Code (2008), Shutter (2004), Alone (2006). Here's the full list of Thai horror movies that I've watched.
Let's take a look at 9 Temples' synopsis: Due to his mother's persistent request, Nat has no choice but to embark on a journey to visit 9 different temples in order to cleanse his karma. His girlfriend Poon accompanies her and a novice monk, Sujitto joins them right before they start their journey.
Soon, they begin to realize that karma has brought the three of them together for unforeseeable reasons. They begin to see the unseen and encounter horrific situations. Towards the end, it's revealed that one's karma or what one has done in their past life will affect their present condition and those around them. One couldn't possibly know their past life, but one might have done something bad that will never be forgiven forever.
Verdict: Do you believe in karma? If you do, this movie might appeal to you. I don't believe in karma. So, I find myself rejecting the entire storyline. In terms of cinematography, scenes that involve paranormal presence are executed rather well. You're bound to get ample scares and goosebumps. Eerie sound effects contribute to the movie's horror factor too. However, scenes that function as breaks are rather long and can be quite boring.
I like its clear and straight to the point kind of ending. You don't have to guess what actually happens. In summary, there are no mind boggling cliches that might leave you hanging in the air without proper explanation. Well, I purposely point this out because some Thai horror movies are famous for horrible twist ending.
Having said so, I'd still comment that 9 Temples is not a highly recommended horror movie.
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