A special thanks to the MadWorld team who organized a special bloggers' preview last Wednesday, 17 November. We were given an informative introductory word about the conception of MadWorld and a good, solid 45-minute show by MadWorld's multi-talented cast and crew. Amazing!
Conception of MadWorld
MadWorld came into production as a collaboration between two mega-churches -- SIBKL and DUMC.
"What began as an innocent meeting in August [2010] between Stephanie Ong, Music and Worship Ministry Head of DUMC and Pastor Lew Lee Choo of SIBKL to glean experience of the year-end Christmas show eventually became a partnership of two churches coming together to produce a large-scale stage production."
(Ref: Release note by Stephanie Ong, Head of Ministry, Music and Worship Ministry, DUMC)
What is the value of a human life?
We live in a world of the unexpected -- a mad world which seems to make little sense. In a world where tragedies beyond our imagination happen at preposterous proportions on a daily basis, how is it possible for us to continue to live as if there is no tomorrow?
Why do we care only about our own existence, when others around us could be drowning? Who are we and what is our ultimate worth? What gives a man his value -- his riches or his power over others? Have we lost the value of human lives?
What about those whose lives are shattered by shattering -- has God been unkind to them? Don't they matter?
MadWorld makes an effort to explore answers to the questions above via two main characters -- Adam and Lucas. As Adam confronts Lucas and vice versa, they're exposed to differences related to one another that centers on: "What is the value of a human soul?"
Sneak Peaks

MadWorld will be showing at two separate venues on separate dates:
DUMC Dream Centre, Section 13, Petaling Jaya
3 December 2010, Friday -- 8pm
5 December 2010, Sunday -- 3:30pm, 8pm
Ticket: No tickets! Just show up.
SIBKL Auditorium, Bangunan Yin (next to Phileo Damansara I)
25 December 2010, Saturday -- 7:30pm
26 December 2010, Sunday -- 10am, 7:30pm
Ticket: Contact SIB friends or call 03-7957 2701
Ticketing opens early November 2010.
Do come!
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