This movie is inspired by the true story of a woman who claimed that the ghost of her aborted child was haunting her. The number "2002" in the title refers to the number of illegally aborted fetuses discovered in a Bangkok temple.
At the end of the movie, before the credits roll, we're told that this movie is produced as part of the campaign against illegal abortion in Thailand.
As usual, there are a few sub-plots, sometimes two or three, in most Thai horror movies. These sub-plots will finally converge to reveal the main plot. If you're lucky, the ending will be a good twist. Otherwise, you'll get a lousy ending that spoils the entire movie.
After watching, I find that I don't really like the facial expression and body language of the main characters. They are either too exaggerating, fake, annoying, expressionless, or just being plain bimbo.
The storyline doesn't make much sense as well. I've watched way too many horror movies to know which story will work and which will backfire. Stories about angry aborted fetuses teaching his/her parents a lesson by haunting and harming them - in my opinion - they don't work. In fact, the storyline is way too childish and unrealistic.
This is supposed to be a movie that educates Thai teenagers about the consequences of illegal abortions. So I suggest, emphasis should be put on more of the suffering and pain the young mothers-to-be will go through during abortion. Also, more gruesome images of horribly dismembered and disfigured aborted fetuses should be shown to increase desired impact, not baby rubber dolls soaked in red dye and poorly CGI-ed fetuses floating around.
Well, I don't bother to recommend this movie to anyone. Somebody should do a remake, perhaps a mockumentary or something similar.
Say no to abortion or aborted fetuses will haunt you. Serious. :P
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