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DiGi Business: H1N1 Advisory

Original article.

Dear DiGi Business fans,

You would have heard of H1N1 cases via the newspapers and websites as well. Please do take precaution so that we can all help to stop the spread.

For business owners or office workers, here are some simple guides that could help prevent the spread of H1N1 in your office.

Workplace Guidelines:

1) Please do not switch workstations or work areas during this time, remain as much as possible at one location so that you can minimize exposure between employees and ease the tracking of employees with flu like symptoms and H1N1 cases (if you have any in office)

2) Keep meetings small, cancel all meetings with more than 10 people. You could use tele-conferencing, video-conferencing, messaging applications like BlackBerry Messenger, whatsapp between BlackBerry users and iPhone users, MSN Messenger or even Yahoo Messenger. You can also use collaborative tools like Google Docs where you can edit documents as a team in real time and even use the chat function to communicate.

3) Observe good hygiene and please put on a mask if you are having minor flu-like symptoms. Always wash your hands with either soap or the alcohol hand wash. You can get these from pharmacies and the alcohol hand wash come in big, medium and small bottles.

4) Limit your exposure to people with minor flu-like symptoms or you could wear a mask as precaution.

5) If you're exhibiting light flu symptoms (sneezing, running nose, coughing) with no fever or sore throat:
- you can go to work if you're up to it but wear a facial mask at all times
- seek medical treatment if condition worsens

6) If you're exhibiting a combination of flu-like symptoms with High Fever or/and Sore Throat:
- seek medical treatment, take swab test, and remain home quarantined until fever subsides
- keep your supervisor informed of latest condition and recovery progress

7) If you've been in direct F2F (face to face) communication with confirmed H1N1 positive patients or those having been in a same confined space for more than 4 hours i.e. air travel:
- contact your supervisor and inform of condition
- home quarantine for 4 days and perform twice-daily self symptom monitoring (sneezing, running nose, sore throat, fever, headache, muscle ache)
- get medical treatment and PCR (blood) test if any symptoms show up
- keep your supervisor informed of latest condition and recovery progress

8) If you're confirmed either via swab test or PCR (blood) test at a medical facilities to be H1N1 positive:
- contact your supervisor and inform of condition
- identify people in office that have had direct F2F communication/contact with you and let your supervisor know
- observe quarantine requirements by medical professionals
- keep your supervisor informed of latest condition and recovery progress

Ministry of Health have also published a list of high risk groups from H1N1 infection @

We hope this helps. Share it with your friends, family and colleagues.

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