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Quick dinner options with dumplings

I'm a fan of quick, hassle-free, fuss-free dinner options. So, I bought a few packets of homemade dumplings from Sumo Dumplings so that I can whip up something quick for dinner on days I leave office late.

For example, dumplings and kimchi soup (see photo above).

I bought 3 types of dumplings.

Pork Dumplings with Chives (韭菜猪肉饺子)


Pork Dumplings with White Cabbage (高丽菜猪肉饺子)


Pork Dumplings with Carrot (红萝卜猪肉饺子)

Other flavors are: Chinese cabbage (白菜), green onion (青葱), "three-onions" (三葱), celery (芹菜), cilantro (香菜), sweet corn (玉米). You can WhatsApp them for more details.

 Steamed dumplings, served with veggies.

 Simple dumplings soup.

Dumplings soup with tofu.

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