Warning: If you loathe vanity, you're advised to read the following post at your own risk. Haha!
Early this morning (I think that was like more than 6 hours ago), I was in the midst of twittering with a fellow Twit-(tie?) and feeling very proud with a certain point of my opinion, I decided to copy pasta (meaning copy & paste, LOL!) the whole conversation here. Nahhh... thumbs up for vanity! ;)
Note: Click on the following image to view it in its larger version (if needed) and read from bottom to top.
Early this morning (I think that was like more than 6 hours ago), I was in the midst of twittering with a fellow Twit-(tie?) and feeling very proud with a certain point of my opinion, I decided to copy pasta (meaning copy & paste, LOL!) the whole conversation here. Nahhh... thumbs up for vanity! ;)
Note: Click on the following image to view it in its larger version (if needed) and read from bottom to top.

Okay, the most important point is here:
Some ego is healthy, if for nothing else but to keep us on the right path and not to be conned/misled.
Great! Naoko (geminianeyes) has something to share as well.
Knowing that only a fraction of today's community values purity and self-discipline, I was adamant not to practice what the world practices in its utter, disgustingly fallen state. Although I'll feel out of place and people "advised" me to discard my conservative view, I just can't bring myself to do it.
I think my ego and pride help me all along. Or better still, I believe the Lord is preserving me from being contaminated by the world. Call me old-school, out-dated, whatever you want, I'm proud of my saint-like personality.
That's why my favorite flower is white lily, the symbol of purity and innocence.

Ah well... Still, every cloud has a silver lining, and that's me, and I'm still proud of being me.

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