If there's one recent superhero movie based on a comic book that you wanna watch, it's gotta be Kick-Ass (2010), directed by Matthew Vaughn and co-produced by Brad Pitt.
Judging from the movie's poster that features four masked characters in green, red, purple, and black suits respectively, you might think this is another no-brainer slapstick. Hell NO! This movie is fantastic! Well, fantastic is a severe understatement. :)
I'd like to elaborate further that Kick-Ass is not your common superhero movie. Its style reminds me Zombieland and Inglorious Basterds - narrative, graphical, gruesome. :)
Remember these four characters - Kick-Ass, Big Daddy, Hit Girl, and Red Mist but pay extra attention to Hit Girl. She's the most awesome character in the entire movie.
How does the storyline go? Here's the zest. The first half of the movie focuses on Dave Lizewski (Aaron Johnson), an average teenager who wonders why no one has ever decided to become a real-life superhero like those in the comic books. He decides to become a real-life superhero after being mugged. He buys a scuba suit and becomes a masked crime fighter, Kick-Ass even though he has no superpowers and he hasn't been trained before.
The second half of the movie focuses on how Dave/Kick-Ass gets entangled in serious fights in real life when he meets Big Daddy (Nicolas Cage), a former cop who, in his quest to bring down Frank D'Amico (Mark Strong), has trained his 11-year-old daughter to be the ruthless vigilante Hit-Girl (Chloë Grace Moretz).
According to a number reviews on the Internet, Kick-Ass has generated controversies due to extreme loads of profanities and violence. This is particularly true in relation to the 11-year old character of Hit Girl. She's heavily armed and in full combat mode in the entire movie. I'd say Scarlett Johansson's fight sequence in Iron Man 2 seems to be less professional compared to this ass-kicking little girl. :)
I wonder how did this movie manage to make its way through the Malaysian censorship a month ago. Anyway, catch it on DVD if you haven't gotten the chance to watch in on the big screens. You're gonna love every single ass-kicking moment of this movie!
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