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Teach me to fish...

To those who teach me to "fish", whether directly or indirectly, here's a big THANK YOU!

I thrive on people's advise and mentoring. I look upon and respect good patterns before me. To me, these good patterns induce trust and cultivate mutuality that eases all sorts of communication and so on.

Trust is some sort of gut feeling. If I trust that person, I'll be willing to co-work with him or her and share my opinions, ideas, etc and share his or her workload or burden. If I don't trust that person, it may take light years for me to affirm the need for that person to be around. Therefore, I'm not a very good mentor. Seriously speaking, I'm the one who needs mentoring. I prefer following, not leading. I'll only lead IF the need arises. If not, I'll be an obedient follower. Hahaha...

Mutuality is dynamic and can be very rewarding, especially if you could sort of understand the other party's thoughts and ideas without much effort and they affirm that thought and idea that you put forth. This is particularly important and satisfying while dealing with clients and of course, team members.

I know my people management is OMG... I guess this is one main area which I need to improve a great deal. A colleague says something like this that opens my eyes. Here's what I captured: "Most of the time, it's not just the matter of completing the task. It's the matter of helping the person."

Ah well... I'm a very task- and result-oriented person. Those who can keep up with my pace may not find me demanding. Those who can't, I believe I may be too demanding and ruthless at times.

Hmmm... I don't think I'd lower my standard or protocol or principle. But then, I'll try to accommodate to each one's level and see how to bring them up.

I think being mentored and mentoring others go together. When you strike a balance, working will never be a nightmare.

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