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Health & Wellness



Period Pain, Herbal Remedy, Painkillers, Period Chart

There's basically one kind of physical pain that most girls are forced to go through. I present to you the infamous period pain or menstrual cramp, which occurs once a month and that's 12 times a year. Urrrgghhh!

According to eMedicineHealth's article about Menstrual Pain:
Menstrual cramps are sharp pains in a woman's lower abdomen that occur when her menstrual period begins and may continue for 2-3 days. Symptoms can range in severity from a mild annoyance to severe pain that interferes with normal activities. Menstrual cramps are the leading cause of absenteeism in women younger than 30 years. Although over half of women who have menstrual periods experience some discomfort, 10% are temporarily disabled by symptoms.

I've blogged about Relieving Menstrual Cramps before. Those remedies that I mentioned are good if the pain is not SEVERE. Most of the time, what I experienced was not mild annoyance; it's more like some kind of crippling pain that reduces me to a lifeless zombie, especially from day 1 till day 3, sometimes even day 4. At this point of time, I'd resort to clawing my hands and legs in order to get myself distracted from that stupid, agonizing, and throbbing abdominal pain.

So, it turns out that I need stronger and long-term remedies. Some gal pals recommended drinking a kind of Chinese herbal soup called Ba Zhen. I've got them here and here. But then, it doesn't really help.

This time round, I need painkillers! Darn! I've been avoiding painkillers for so long. This month, the pain was like hell. I was working half way when the pain became so intense within 30 minutes that I need to find the fastest solution - yes, these evil looking pills are the answer.

They are Ponstan 500 mg and Naproxen-Apo 275 mg. Bear in mind, they MUST NOT be taken together and they MUST BE taken after food to avoid upsetting your stomach.

I was already half dead. Ponstan 500mg takes 1.5 hours to take effect. I retired to the sofa in my office and slept for about 1 hour. I took the yellow Ponstan pill at 1:45pm and I felt better only around 4pm (plus the 1-hour sleep). The effect wore off around 11pm. So I took the blue Apo pill so that I won't claw myself to sleep at night. 


I'm still not feeling too well.


Updated: Thanks to Fionne for emailing this cutesy Period Chart to me. It's gonna be useful. :)



  1. the blue tablets (275) looks like wat i eat.. mine is call synflex.... is very effective after taken and can last for 8 hours long.... =]

  2. Ponstan? That's just an NSAID. You need stronger painkiller!!!!!!!!!!oneone

    Erm...perhaps I shouldn't say that on your blog considering our coworkers reads it. :S

  3. maro^gal: Yes, Aposynflex is a type of Naproxen, pretty long-lasting. :)

    Huai Bin: No worries, you didn't mention what kind of stronger painkiller. Lol.

  4. I saw nothing~~~~ :P

    On another note, the hot water bottle treatment doesn't work? :S

  5. Ahaha Naoko, yeah, we ain't seeing anything. ;P

    Hot water bottle works if the pain is not crippling. The usual pain is ok-ed by the hot water bottle/hot whateva treatment. XD

  6. Instead of a hot water bottle. Try an ice pack on your abdomen while putting the hot water bottle on your feet. As period pain is an inflammatory process, the ice will reduce swelling while the hot water bottle at your feet will draw the blood away from the inflammation site... Sounds crazy but works. Also try increasing your calcium, magnesium in your diet about a week before your period. Try drinking some Chamomile tea. Chamomile is a vasodilator and also helps to relax your muscles.

  7. Hi Anonymous,

    WOW, thanks for sharing these tips. Okies, I'll try them out in a couple of days because my next cycle is around the corner. :D

