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I wonder how... I wonder why...

Lately... I think I saw a flicker of hope in my "mundane" life. I'm breathless as I tried to encapsulate every single detail. Haha...

My best pal's back to Malaysia and I'm gonna conduct long hours of chatting with her soon. We've even planned to have a cooking-baking session together! Her husband would have to bear with us. Haha... I'm very close to this pal as we've passed through our years in the university, Christian training, and full-time service (church) together before she is married to her husband.

Not only so, some of my colleagues (non-Christian) are getting together for a short gospel gathering and refreshment at a colleague's home (he's a Christian). I treat this as a very special occasion. We sow the seeds and someday, I believe they will be harvested when the time arrives. I'm not doing anything extraordinary. It's the living that matters. I'm a Christian and as a Christian, I believe our testimony is we are in the world, but not of the world.

Another pal's getting married next year in Singapore and I'll definitely take one-day leave to attend her wedding meeting, no matter what happens. I'm so happy for her!

All these seem to be ordinary, but I'm taking chances to savor the goodness of every moment spent with my friends. We never know what might come next in our life...