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My ♥s in my life

I my job.

my work clients.

my colleagues & friends.

Oopsie, forgot to mention I
the Lord & the church.

Still prioritizing. :P

Anyway, there are things that turn me off.

E.g. People who shit-talk aren't impressive but are ignorant & arrogant (bodoh sombong), pretentious, and are attention-seekers. Sweet-talking is okay. Shit-talking is NOT okay.

My point is, treat others the way you want to be treated. I'm learning to think twice, mellow down unnecessary sarcasm, and be more diplomatic in my responses nowadays. Otherwise, if I start to get vocal, hmmm... that'd be too late.

Read this on Tumblr: We scream our insecurities but mutter our apologies. And that's why the world feels so wrong. It's true. Truth to be told, nobody likes to hear the same complaints from the same person again and again and again. Most of the time, it's our perception or even preconception over a certain person or matter that causes us to complain and whine endlessly. I did that before and sometimes I still do, I admit. But then, I realize that this attitude is affecting my passion regarding the things that I'm involved in and doing.

IMHO, I learn to embrace whatever weakness there is (according to my POV). Then, I start to test different workaround ways to handle issues that are brought forth by those weaknesses. It's useless to get stuck and whine, agree? Why don't do something to turn that situation around? It's good for morale too. Spread the positive vibe!

Just my two cents. Filling rather positive at the moment! :D

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