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Weekend DVD 1: Death Happen (6:66 Tai Mai Dai Tai) (2009)

Death Happen (6:66 Tai Mai Dai Tai), which literally means Die Not Die, is a 2009 Thai horror movie.

Dao (Susira Angelina Nanna) is a crime reporter for a Bangkok newspaper who's sent to cover a piece of dangerous news one late night. On that night itself, her father committed suicide. However, he comes back to life miraculously.

Since then, Dao begins to encounter a few near-death experiences that don't make sense at all. Confused and bewildered by even weirder findings in her father's house, Dao begins to seek for the truth that will eventually lead her to face the power of death.

The storyline, focusing on the power of death sounds intriguing. However, in reality, the subplots are weak and not explained properly, giving this movie a lot of loose ends and plot holes.
I'm almost bored to death by unnecessary slow pacing. At certain times, I don't quite understand the reason particular scenes are included along the storyline. There are many unanswered questions.

Nevertheless, there are a few decent gore-worthy moments that deserve some praises but those are the weak subplots that don't contribute good support for the movie.

Towards the end of the movie, although I could understand the twist, I'm not surprised at all because it's just too... not surprising. Well, having stated the obvious, I guess you know I don't recommend this movie.

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