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S for Supergirl ^^

As per title, I've one person in mind, the one who should be crowned with this title. ^^

The story goes like this.....

One fine Saturday, I went window-shopping. I went to this outlet called Nichii (is the spelling correct?) Fashion House. As I was browsing from rack to rack, I received 3-4 consecutive phone calls, 2 from a colleague and another 2 from a service center. ROTFL! I was in the midst of talking to this guy from the service center when the SUPERGIRL T-shirt caught my attention!

So? So I snapped a photo of it and bought one (size S) for myself. Then, I uploaded the photo to my Facebook account, specifically mentioning the other Supergirl's name.

I know she knew because I've told her so!

S: Then y did u not buy this for me? We shud be a gang :P

Haha! True, I should have bought two! :P

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