23 Dec-01 Jan: Red (紅色)
02-11 Jan: Orange (橙色)
12-24 Jan: Yellow (黃色)
25 Jan-03 Feb: Pink (粉紅色)
04-08 Feb: Blue (藍色)
09-18 Feb: Green (綠色)
19-28 Feb: Brown (啡色)
01-10 Mar: Teal (藍綠色)
11-20 Mar: Lime (石灰色)
21 Mar: Black (黑色)
22-31 Mar: Purple (紫色)
01-10 Apr: Navy (深藍色)
11-20 Apr: Silver (銀色)
21-30 Apr: White (白色)
01-14 May: Blue (藍色)
15-24 May: Gold (金色)
25 May-3 Jun: Cream (奶油色)
04-13 Jun: Grey (灰色)
14-23 Jun: Maroon (粟色)
24 Jun: Grey (灰色)
25 Jun-01 Jul: Red (紅色)
05-14 Jul: Orange (橙色)
15-25 Jul: Yellow (黃色)
26 Jul-04 Aug: Pink (粉紅色)
05-13 Aug: Blue (藍色)
14-23 Aug: Green (綠色)
24 Aug-02 Sep: Brown (啡色)
03-12 Sep: Aqua (水藍色)
13-22 Sep: Lime (石灰色)
23 Sep: Olive (黃褐色)
24 Sep-03 Oct: Purple (紫色)
04-13 Oct: Navy (深藍色)
14-23 Oct: Silver (銀色)
24 Oct-11 Nov: White (白色)
12-21 Nov: Gold (金色)
22 Nov-01 Dec: Cream (奶油色)
02-11 Dec: Grey (灰色)
12-21 Dec: Maroon (粟色)
22 Dec: Teal (藍綠色)
Red - You're cute and lovable, picky but always in love, and like to be loved. You're fresh and cheerful, but can be "moody" at times. You're capable at handling people, nice, soft-spoken, and amiable. You like to befriend friendly people whom you're comfortable with.
紅色 - 你的可愛十分惹人喜愛!對愛情你很揀擇但又常常在戀愛,也喜歡被愛的感覺。你有著清新的氣質和開朗的個性,但有些時侯也會變得多愁善感。和別人相處的時侯你表現得很友善和溫柔,所以很多人願意和你親近。你喜歡跟友善和隨和的人做朋友。
Orange - You're always responsible for your own actions and know how to handle people and things. You're competitive and always have goals to reach. You find it hard to trust people including your friends. But once you found out that they're trustworthy, you'll treat them as your buddies forever.橙色 - 你總會對自己做過的事付責任,亦很懂得怎樣待人接物。你常常給自己定下很多目標和競爭對象。你很難去相信別人,包括你的朋友,但當你認為他是可信的話,你將會把他當成永遠的知己。
Yellow - You're sweet, innocent, trusted by others, and display strong leadership. You're always able to make good decision and the right choice at the right time. You yearn for a romantic relationship.
黃色 - 你是一個又天真又甜的人。常獲得別人的信任,亦有很強的領導能力。當要做決定或選擇的時侯,你總是做對了決定。還有,你常常朣憬著一段浪漫的戀情。
Pink - You're always trying your best in everything and you like to help and take care of others. You're not easily satisfied. You're quite pessimist and you yearn for a romantic and fairytale-like love relationship.粉紅色 - 對任何事你總是全力己赴的,還有你很愛照顧其他人。但你不是一個容易滿足的人,常有消極的想法。你常祈望你的愛情像童話故事一樣美麗和完美。
Blue - You've low self-esteem and very picky. You're artistic and fall in love easily. When you're in love, you love with your mind, not with your heart.
藍色 - 你對自己沒有信心,也很挑剔。你很有藝術天分,也很容易去愛上一個人,但當愛情來的時侯,你只是用你的感覺去愛,而並非用你的心去愛。
Green - You get along well with new people. You're not really a shy person, but sometimes you can hurt people's feelings with your words. You like to be loved and noticed by your lover. You're most likely single, awaiting your soul mate.綠色 - 你總能和新相識的朋友相處得很好。你不算是一個害羞的人,但有時侯你的說話傷害了別人。你渴望得到愛侶的注意,也較喜歡被愛的感覺,大多數的時間你總是在等待你生命中的另一半出現。
Brown - You're active, sporty, and energetic. It's hard for people to get close to you but you fall in love rather easily. Once you found out that you can't get what you want from a relationship, you'll give up and let go easily as well.
啡色 - 你很愛運動,整個人都充滿活力。但別人很難去接近你,話雖如此,你很容易投入一段感情。但當你發現你在那段感情中得不到你想要的東西時,你會立即放棄,也會復完得很快。
Teal - You pay much attention to your outward look and your requirements for a love partner are very high. You're very rational while solving problems and seldom make mistakes. You like to be recognized among the crowd, and thus it's easy for you to make new friends.
藍綠色 - 你最注重自己的外表。對選擇愛侶的要求甚高。你擁有清晰的頭腦去思考和解決難題,又不易犯錯。你喜歡在人群中被重視,也因此令你容易認識到新朋友。
Lime - You're calm, but easily stressed out. You're quite picky and get jealous easily. You can't sit still but your amiable personality draws people to you.
石灰色 - 你是一個冷靜的人,但常給自己壓力。你常常在小事上挑剔,又容易妒忌。你不大會定下來,但你可愛的性格能獲得朋友的信任也樂於跟你接近。
Black - You love and have the guts to accept challenges but you don't like changes in your life. Once you make a decision, you keep it that way for a long time. Your love life is also challenging and changing.
黑色 - 你樂於接受挑戰,因為你擁有接受挑戰的勇氣。但你並不喜歡改變你自己的生活方式。一旦你落實了一個決定,你會長久地朝著這個方向走。你的愛情也是充滿挑戰和有點與別不同。
Purple - You're a mysterious person, not selfish, and quite aloof. You're quite moody and hard to understand. However, you're popular despite your silly behavior. You like to befriend trustworthy persons.
紫色 - 你是一個神祕的人,從不自私,也很難對任何人和事發生興趣。你的狀態永遠是說不定的,是一個情緒化的人。很受周遭的人歡迎,但有是你會做出愚笨的舉動,記性也不太好。你最喜歡與一些有著真性情的人做朋友。
Navy - You're attractive and love your life. You develop a strong feeling towards everything around you and can be easily distracted. Once you're angered by someone, it's rather hard for you to forgive them.深藍色 - 你是一個很吸引人的發光體,也很愛惜自己的生命。你對身邊所有事物都帶著強烈的感覺。你是一個容易意亂情迷的人。如果有人把你激怒了,你很難會原諒他。
Silver - You're imaginative and shy, but you're open to try new things. You like to challenge yourself and you learn things easily. The harder the thing, the faster you learn. However, your love life is not so smooth-sailing.銀色 - 你是一個有豐富想像力和害羞的人,但你樂於接受新事物和新嘗試。你喜歡挑戰自己。學習新的事物時很快會上手,遇強越強。但你的愛情生活通常也比較多挫折和困惑。
White - You're full of dreams and goals in your life. You're quite complacent and get jealous quite easily. You're different and your line of thought is deeper than the rest.白色 - 你的人生充滿著夢和理想。你對周遭的事有點漠不關心,容易妒忌。你是較為獨特的一群,有時侯,你心中想法總會比別人高深一點。
Gold - You know what's right and what's wrong. You're cheerful and sociable. It's hard for you to find the one you love, but once you found the right person, you won't be able to fall in love again for a long time.
金色 - 你很清楚什麼應該做、什麼不應該做。性格開朗又好交際。對於你,尋找一個你愛的人不是一件容易的事,但當你找到你愛的人以後,你絕不輕易變心。
Cream - You're competitive and dislike failure. You're very sporty, outgoing and trustworthy. You won't fall in love easily because you're very careful. But once you found your soul mate, you won't let him/her go.
奶油色 - 你愛和別人競爭,失敗的感覺你最受不了。極愛運動和戶外活動,你的性格開朗也值得別人信賴。對愛情你會表現得很小心,不會輕易愛上一個人。但一旦找到你生命中的伴侶時,你絕不會讓他跑掉。
Grey - You're active and attractive. You won't hide your feelings and will express your feelings. However, you can be quite selfish at times. You crave for attention and dislike unequal treatments. You've a good sense of humor and you know what to say at the right time, thus making people around you happy.
灰色 - 你很好動,也很有吸引力。你永不會把想說的話藏在心,總會抒發自己的感情。但有時會變得較自私。你渴望得到別人的注意,討厭不公平的對待。你很風趣,也懂得在適當時侯說適當的話,常常也令到身邊的人快樂。
Maroon - You're intelligent, self-centered, and you like to do things your way. You may be inconsiderate at times, thus causing troubles. However, you're patient when it comes to love. Once you met the right person, it's hard for you to love another one.
粟色 - 你有一個聰明的腦袋。也是一個自我的人,常依自己的喜好來做事,有時會因為不大理別人的感受而惹上麻煩。對於愛情你很有耐性,當你找到你要找的那一位後,你不會再愛上別人。
Olive - You're soft-hearted, having a warm personality and at good terms with family members and friends. You hate violence and you know what to and what not to do. You're kind, cheerful, contented, and won't be jealous against others.
黃褐色 - 你是一個心腸軟和帶給別人溫暖的人。你與家人和朋友的關係良好。十分討厭暴力,清楚什麼應該做什麼不應該做。你也十分善良和樂觀,又很知足,並不會輕易妒忌別人擁有什麼。
Aqua - Your feelings are fleeting. You're always lonely and like traveling. You're truthful but easily affected by others. It's hard to find love, and you're at lost in love easily. Therefore, you're hurt by love rather often.
水藍色 - 你的感覺來去如風。你的生活也帶點孤單,很愛旅遊。你對待別人很真誠,但太容易受別人的影響。對你來說,尋找愛情是一件很難的事,也容易在愛中迷失,令你很容易便被愛情所傷。
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