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2012 Terengganu Rip Curl Pro Surf Contest, 30 November - 2 December @ Pantai Batu Burok, Kuala Terengganu

What do you get when you string these words together?
Monsoon, Terengganu, Rip Curl, Surfing, Beach

You get the first ever 6-star pro surf contest in Malaysia!

Rip Curl (Malaysia) and the State Government of Terengganu are collaborating to conduct the first ever 6-star pro surf contest on 30 November till 2 December at Pantai Batu Burok, Kuala Terengganu!

Allow me to go off-track for a while...

Terengganu, my husband's hometown, is my favorite state in Malaysia. My road trips back to Kuala Terengganu always include spending some time at the beach, no matter how short it is. My husband, then boyfriend, proposed to me on one of these beautiful stretches of beaches too...

*snaps back from day-dreaming*

Okay, back to the surfing contest.

From 30 November till 2 December, surfers from different regions of South East Asia will compete in five different divisions – Men's Open, Women's Open, Master Division and Bodyboard Open, and Longboard Open in this international event.


Let's find out who are Malaysia's top surfers.

Earlier this week on 15 October at One Utama, Rip Curl (Malaysia) announced that they have signed an official 1-year Official Rip Curl Malaysia Riders deal with two top Malaysian surfers – Bryan Ng and Brenda Lee. Rip Curl Malaysia has also renewed their contract with Mohd. Suhaimi (Semmy), a 17-year old young surfer from Cherating.

Congratulations Bryan, Brenda and Semmy!

Brenda (left) is Malaysia's top lady surfer. Bryan (right) is also a top surfer. Semmy (middle) is a young and promising surfer.

By introducing these top surfers and with the upcoming first 6-star pro surf event at Pantai Batu Burok, Rip Curl Malaysia believes the local surfing community will grow. They are set to introduce Malaysia as a surfing destination to professional surfers from different regions and to attract more non-surfers to experience the surfing sports. This event will also become the platform for local surfers to gain experience by competing at the international level.



I love the beach!!! Here are some beach photos from my road trips.

Monsoon or no monsoon, see you at Pantai Batu Burok from 30 November to 2 December!

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